Hi everyone, feeling strong after spending quality days and - TopicsExpress


Hi everyone, feeling strong after spending quality days and moments with family, my prayers being answered, THANK YOU. Time to continue on from where I last left off. BRAZIL here I come. It was about the year2006, I remember quite vividly standing at the front desk in my Salon steering out the window and a great wave of energy washed over me. I was feeling absolutely wrecked at that time, like I had just come out the other end of the tumble dryer. I think life in general had caught up on me and also grief from both my parents dying. The wash of energy and the stirring in my tummy was very apparent and could not be ignored. I looked at my work colleague and said “I am off to Brazil” my colleague replied “when? “ I said “next week if not the week after” and that was that, all fell into place beautifully and I was off. I had heard of a Healer via a friend many years earlier, so I stayed open this knowledge believing, if needed, it will present itself when the time is right. I had many mixed emotions and was pretty excited preparing to travel, which included setting my intentions of what I wanted and needed from this trip. Lots of rest, Sort my Stomach problem and Spiritual development! It is not an easy place to travel to from NZ. I had to stop off in Santiago (Chile) then fly to Rio de janerio, then onto Sao Paulo, then another flight to the capital Brasilia and then a 2 hour cab ride to the village of Abadiana. That in its self was a great experience and the people I met along the way was amazing. Lucky for me my friend decided to cut his Italy travels short and meet me at the Village to guide me through the process. I am forever grateful to this friend. My first thoughts when I arrived in Brazil was, that I had returned home, I felt like I had been here before and could see the resemblance of some of my family members walking down the street. I thought to myself, I am sure my Mums ancestors must have traveled through here on their way to Tahiti, where she was born. Then the locals would pull up in their cars and trucks and ask me for directions in Portuguese (local language), so I was not the only one tuning into this. (This has since been confirmed when I was up in the Islands a couple of months ago, by a Tahitian relative). Anyway my Brazil experience benefited my healing process greatly. People from all around the world travel to the village every day. It doesn’t matter how well or sick you are everyone is treated equal. It doesn’t matter what race or religion, what addictions you have, how rich or poor, young or old, what your beliefs are, there is no judgment. You just leave it all at the gate of the Casa Don Ignacio, which is a (non profit organization) and just respect everyone is there to give and receive healing. You are there to heal and cleanse yourself, drink the beautiful water, eat the fresh food, meditate and rest in the peaceful gardens, explore the jungle and visit the water fall. I learnt the art of meditation on a daily basis and after a month, you become quite disciplined especially after sitting for long hours on a hard seat in hot temperatures with your eyes closed. After a while it becomes a natural way of life. To quiet your mind is very powerful when over stimulated with busy chatter, this can zap energy which is needed else where I have learned. You start seeing a peaceful transformation in people after a week of arriving, just by slowing down and gifting themselves this most wonderful experience. I would highly recommend it just to recharge and relax. Then you start feeling the boundless energy of love floating around, better than any drug and its main instigated is yourself. Meeting Joao the healer himself is another experience. He is a very humble man, with a big presence, who exudes Mana. He sees his duty as, he is only an instrument to the divine source, serving the people to help them with healing and that he does not cure people. Others see it as a gift; to him it is simple and takes no rewards for his time. He just understands his journey and has helped endless people and continues to do so, while he can, in his time on earth. I felt so light after my time spent at the Casa, lost 5 kilo’s , my body, mind and emotions felt cleansed but most importantly I had evolved even more so spirituality. I looked how I felt (Well). My tummy needed time to adjust into its new way when I first arrived back home, which took a couple of months and then wow. No more upsets, pain, and my symptoms had gone and I was in a calm quiet flow. Many positive doors starting opening for me, one in particular, linking me back into my Cultural side again. I have always enjoyed exploring this, as it has given me a clearer understanding of who I am. I helped volunteer on the Cooks Island radio program in the early 2000’s for about 6 years as DJ and researcher. What fun I had and growth I gained, this all contributed to my healing path and understanding. Culture is something we all have and I find connecting the dots quite fascinating. In the year 2007, another gut feeling for me to act on, this time to fly to Vietnam. Not sure at the time, what this one was about, but once again I am on a Plane and off. This was another interesting experience, probably to remind me how good we have it in our beautiful country of Aoteroa, and sometimes the people who have the least, definitely know how to live the best. What come out of this venture was to bring a lot of joy and satisfaction to my work place. We started selling Wigs that were made by the locals in Vietnam and the people I catered to were people with Cancer, Hair loss problems and many of the wonderful people from the Transgender community. I felt very humbled to be able to help these people, to feel better in themselves in their times of trials. They probably don’t realize the gift they gave to me, to be so vulnerable and trusting! It’s a privilege to say the least. All this joy was contributing to my tummy and me staying well, I was feeling happy with life and that was projecting out. I started to attract many like minded people into my life. I felt I had a good balance going on, so me being me, possibly not aware of this action at the time, needed to go tip the balance. I felt like I needed to challenge myself , brain and my intellect, so why not do some sort of study .Not sure how this was going to happen , so I wrote it all down on my wish list and set it free to the universe. A couple of weeks later I am unexpectedly sitting in the office of a highly respected Kaumatua, to whom I have great respect for. He opened an amazing door and guided me to study for the next 4 years and meet some of the most interesting and highly gifted people. I did not realize at the time, this was going to be some of my greatest teachings that are now needed to help me on a daily basis with my Cancer journey. To be continued. Mike has dinner ready time to go share some yummy salmon. Till next update take care all and lots of love Leanne
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 07:30:29 +0000

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