Hi everyone hope alls well for you wherever you may be Now and - TopicsExpress


Hi everyone hope alls well for you wherever you may be Now and then i receive queries and very often recurring ones on live looping, techniques, gear, tips and tricks and know how etc. Occasionally here i will share my replies to popular queries and problems all new live looping enthusiasts do or will face. To kick start, this first one is from a new Boomerang III user Eric Mike Tompkins ; Question: HeY Randolf Arriola. Question for you. I bought the Rang 3 last year and am finally getting around to using this awesome machine. I have not updated if yet with the newest software, though! Is it true that you can now enable quantizing? I still have occasional timing issues when making loops live. Reply: Cheers Eric, congrats and welcome aboard the Rangship The latest firmware upgrade enables the Rang to lock in with an external drum machine or midi sequencer. Ive been combining the Rang with the Beat Buddy experimenting with this feature and im really impressed and exploring further. Without the use of any external or prerecorded sequence or midi drum machine what i do use is with the Rang in Serial or Parallel mode is Loop Quantize which you create as your very first loop on Track 3 after which all subsequent loop creations on tracks 1, 2 and 4(if enabled as a loop phrase) will be Loop Quantized based on Trk 3(which is now the master loop) meaning the length/time of the loop/phrase on trks 1,2, 4 will be Loop Quantized... in exact length or multiples of the duration of Trk3. Live Looping in song structure formats of single, dual or multiple chord changes all hang on the timing accuracy of the master loop (Trk 3) Id suggest for starters to take the simple but important Single Loop Track creation as a basic approach of honing your skills and feel on the initial master loop creation on the Rang. Try it this way with a simple strum, muted strum or some simple arpeggio etc. for awhile focusing on listening closely, honestly to yourself to help identify what sounds good or otherwise and what you can do to improve it be it time, tone, dynamic or arrangement. Hope this helps. Cheers. Randolf Arriola Founder of LIVE LOOP ASIA
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 10:34:56 +0000

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