Hi everyone, hope you are all well? There are a couple of things I - TopicsExpress


Hi everyone, hope you are all well? There are a couple of things I wanted to say: 1) If you get a message offering you an Auto Ad Click Bot, remember that the use of such is against the TOS of PV and could lead to you losing your account. If you do receive a message from anyone offering this, then my advice would be to just block the person and ignore it; 2) I have no problem with people sending me messages if they need advice or help but be aware that if I dont answer your message straight away, it is because I have other things going on and dont have the time....if I dont reply straight away, please do not keep sending me messages trying to get a quicker response as I am likely to just ignore your messages as I dont like being pestered for a reply. Also, please remember that I am replying to messages because I choose to, not because I am being paid to so kindly remember good manners like please and thank you or I may ignore the message, 3) As with messages, I have no problem with people sending me friend requests and I will usually accept them. However, if I havent interacted with you on here or you dont send me a message saying you are adding me, then I am more than likely going to ignore said request....it is not me being rude or anything but, if I were sending someone a friend request, then I would be courteous enough to send a message saying hello and that I am adding them. My apologies for needing to write this but I have had too many messages either from people not willing to be patient and expecting me to write back immediately, not willing to use basic courtesy like saying please and thank you and randomly sending me friend requests with no accompanying message. Thank you for reading. David
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 14:20:46 +0000

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