Hi everyone, it is so good to be home and see our kids after - TopicsExpress


Hi everyone, it is so good to be home and see our kids after being gone for 3 weeks. Thank you for your prayers, as we arrived at the airport safely even though our luggage was left in Washington DC. For anyone who texted or called me, I was not able to respond as I put my cell phone in one of the bags because I needed a free hand but then I forgot to take it out again. The airline has been very helpful in finding it and I should have it tomorrow. Lots of things went amuck today but as I told a friend today, I have learned to be Jellyfish Flexible. Saw Gods hand quite a bit today. Because we were trying to check our bags 2 min late, we were told we would have to reschedule our flight. After going to see someone about this, they decided to put us on that flight anyway. By then it was about 7:00am and our flight was suppose to leave at 7:20am. In my mind, there was no way we were going to make it. I imagined a fully boarded plane with door shut, and the stewardess going over the rules, and we still had to go through security and get to our gate! We got to our gate at 7:20 which was take off time. They were very helpful with Allan and we were actually the second ones to board! I dont know what airlines do when they leave late, but we only had an hour layover, so I was a little concerned about making the connecting flight. My guess is, they speed up. Anyways, we did make it to Dulles on time and again we had someone very helpful to help us get through the maze of about 8 elevators and a train to get to our gate on time! Was not able to buy food until second flight where I was told I had 5 min to find food. Asked the restaurant cashier if the soup they sold was already made and if I could get it ASAP! What do you know, it was Mediterranean Lentil soup, it was not too spicy for Allan, and he ate most of it! I was left with bread but I was glad that I was able to get something that he could eat. Going though this journey has to be done step by step and with a constant lookout for things to be grateful for. There are so many. There are also so many hardships. When I think of how hard this is, something new comes along to make it harder still. Laughter is somewhat scarce now that we are home as added responsibilities are in front of us. Good things, things we want to do, but heavy when added to our current situation. My dad kept us laughing in Texas and we even played, Go Fish, War, and Authors. I have a favor to ask each one of you. Its may be an odd request but if you take the time to do it, we would be very grateful and it does not have to be long. Please post something funny. A joke, story, etc., whenever one comes to mind. Here are also some prayer requests as well, Most of the medicine Allan takes constipates him. Please pray that a good solution is found for this. We have tried all the usual things..... And some unusual. Pray for him to gain weight and strength. Mental and emotional well being for both of us. There are days it feels like we cant take anymore. Blood clots to dissipate without causing new problems Family Total healing God to reveal himself to us and others As always, we thank you all.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 03:46:49 +0000

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