Hi family and friends. Its close to quitting time and Friday! - TopicsExpress


Hi family and friends. Its close to quitting time and Friday! Thank You Heavenly Father! So, I been having this strong conviction or have been strongly compelled to say this. Halfway some of you are going to quit reading this post. This is my testimony of how awesome God is and how true he is. Those who know me, know the struggles in my life (financial, family, etc.) Ive known God but didnt have a relationship with him or least not a strong relationship. I only called on Him when in need. Dont get Him wrong. Hes ready to help when times are tough. However, God wants our whole heart everday and night, every hour, every minute! As a matter of fact, He wants it all today now and forever. Anyway, Ive tried my way and my way was rough! Things got so bad that at times I wanted to leave and never turn back! Now before you start throwing stones at me, Im not saying that all is a bed of roses in my life as far as family, finances, etc. However, its somewhat better surrendering it all to GOD. I almost lost my house to foreclosure back in May. Kid you not, I was megastressed! A few months prior, The bank would not work with me as far as refinancing or modification. My credit stinks, so no other banks or loan company wouldnt bother! While in church, the sermon was about praying and trusting God with all your heart, your soul and all your mind! Later, went home and I prayed and I said to GOD, Here I Am, Im done! Its clear my way has and is not working! God Im tired! My family is falling apart and am about to lose my house and my truck! So Im surrendering it all to you! There were people trying to bring me down as well. I didnt let that happen because I know the devil will put people and things to corrupt you. So I knew better than that! I recognize I am a sinner as well as everyone is who walks this earth. So dont start pointing fingers at me as far as being hypocritical. I learned to quit holding on to materialistic stuff and to be thankful for what Ive have not what I dont. By then, I let go of my truck. Suprisingly, I felt a huge relief and was preparing or deciding which family member was going to have room for me. It was a Saturday morning, the bank called me again (which was on a daily basis) asking how, if I was able to bring my past due status to current. That was impossible at the time! Anyway, the banker asked if he could take my financial info down and to see if I qualified for a remodifcation. I said yea, yea been there, done that and turned down. That following Tuesday, my house was listed to be foreclosed. I got a call that Monday from the person i spoke with on Saturday. He stated that I qualifed for the remodification!! I cried! Oh man, did I cry!! Tears are falling from my eyes as Im typing right now! Not only, did I get remodified but mypayments were lowered as well as the interest! I cannot give the glory to no other but to God Himself! Other things that I had prayed about were answered and some were not but I recognize that certain prayers werent answered for a reason. And i honor and respect that from HIM. Were to be lights that lead others to Christ just as he did when he walked this earth. Jesus was sent to save those who are lost. He doesnt want eternal damnation but eternal salvation! Hell is a horrific place filled with hate. Why Satan hates even the demons that are in hell with him! He hates us even more because we are Gods children. For we are all sinners. However, if we simply say, God, Here I am, I know I am a sinner in need of Savior. I ask you now to come into my heart and be Lord of my life now and forever!! And all of Gods people say, AMEN!! Love you all family and friends. Have an awesome Blessed weekend.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 21:41:41 +0000

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