Hi folks, Bob again. With the election Tuesday, weve been doing - TopicsExpress


Hi folks, Bob again. With the election Tuesday, weve been doing a lot of election talk. Yesterday we talked about why some Christians prefer not to vote at all. Today, I want to talk about the Republican versus Democrat Parties. As you know, it is my sincere belief that the plank of the Republican Party is more in line with Biblical principles and values than the Democratic Party is. As you also know, I have NEVER claimed the Republican Party is perfect, or the “Party of God” or anything like that. I have also never claimed the Democratic Party is the “Party of Satan” and I have also NEVER once claimed you cant be a Christian and vote Democrat. What I have repeatedly said over the years is this: I would challenge my Democrat brothers and sisters in Christ to stop voting Democrat because of the ungodly positions of the Democratic Party. The problem is, whenever I say I tend to vote Republican because I believe their positions are closer to Biblical principles and values than the Democratic Party, I end up hearing things like “I vote God, not a political Party” or “I put my trust in the Lord, not the Republican Party” or “we should be Christians first, not Republicans”......as though thats how I think. For me, its not about “Republicanism” or anything like that. Its merely a practical reality that when it comes to voting, one of the two main political parties is closer to Biblical values than the other, so therefore, thats the Party I tend to vote for. If their positions change, so will my support, plain and simple. With that said, I do know many Christians vote Democrat. For some, its because they are a union member and feel the Democrats will get them more Union power and benefits. For some, they are minorities and have been sold the lie that Republicans are racists, or anti-poor, or whatever. For some, they feel Republicans only care about helping the rich and not the poor because of their efforts to wean people off of government dependency and their passion for fiscal responsibility. For others, there may be different reasons. Heres what Id like to know from you folks......which Party do YOU believe it the more Christian friendly Party, Republican or Democrat? Im not asking which Party is perfect or Godly, because neither one is. Im asking, which Party do you believe is CLOSER to Biblical principles and values? For my money, I believe its the Republican Party and Ive given my reasons why over the years. What do YOU all think and why?
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 19:23:51 +0000

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