Hi folks, Bob again. Yesterday the Republicans passed a - TopicsExpress


Hi folks, Bob again. Yesterday the Republicans passed a resolution authorizing a lawsuit against President Obama for his abuse of Executive authority by rewriting law as it relates to Obamacare. Actually, Obama has abused his Executive authority in many areas, but House Republicans have decided to focus on just one example of this, Obamas re-writing of the Obamacare law regarding the Employer Mandate. The President decided to just change the law because the Employer Mandate was going to hurt the Democrats election hopes for this Fall, so he rewrote the law to delay the Mandate until well after the 2014 elections. Problem is, he doesnt have the authority to do this. Hes now also threatening to write his own immigration reform law unless the Republicans in Congress pass a Bill that he agrees with. Think about how chilling this is. Do we really want Presidents in the future to tell the Congress of the opposing Party “youd better give me the laws I want and if not, Ill just write the laws myself without you”? Do we really want that? The Constitution clearly forbids this. Its called Separation of Powers and it can not be allowed to be violated. Obama himself brazenly declared he will “use his pen” to enact changes he wants “with or without Congress”. Remember, while all presidents write Executive Orders, they do NOT use these Executive Orders to write law or change existing laws, like Obama is doing. The only way Congress can stop him from doing this is by taking it to the Courts. Otherwise, there is no way to stop him. For this reason, I support this lawsuit. What do you folks think? Do you support this lawsuit by Republicans?
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 18:25:57 +0000

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