Hi folks, firstly to wish everyone a Happy Pride Weekend and I - TopicsExpress


Hi folks, firstly to wish everyone a Happy Pride Weekend and I hope youve had a great day so far however youre choosing to celebrate it. On the eve of the 2014 Big Picnic in the Park, Diana Taylor and I would also like to take this opportunity to formally introduce you to the work of The Quest whose work we are promoting this year. In the producing the event this year, we realised that as a free non-for-profit event, The Big Picnic is unlikely to be in a position to offer direct financial support back to community organisations, but we do have a platform and we realised we can offer exposure and visibility to organisations whose work we would like to support and in doing so giving them a chance to further raise their profiles. The Quest has been set up for gay men, and speaking for myself, and having experienced the work first hand, I describe it as the rite of passage course every gay man should do. The work also though has equal application to all parts of the community and it would be great for people who want to show leadership to establish the equivalents for LBT+ parts of our community. In the meantime for all of you who are gay and for those of you who have gay friends, I would encourage you to take a look at their website thequestawaitsyou or look out for their volunteers and their stall at tomorrows Big Picnic. Finally Diana and I would like to thank, our Stage Sponsors; UK Black Pride and Summer Rites, our Principal Commercial Sponsor; L & Q Housing, our Venue and Community Organisation Sponsors; Royal Vauxhall Tavern, The Tea House Theatre, KOV Forumand Freedom Shops & not least Pride in London for giving Ben and Diana the opportunity to bring Pride back to the heart of the Wider LGBT+ community. We are both astonished by the communities response and are looking forward very much to seeing you all tomorrow. You have made us feel very humble... So tomorrow beckons and looks like the weather is really on our side and were going to have a great day!! So see you all there and Happy Pride!
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 19:35:37 +0000

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