Hi friends, I wanted to share with yall something that has helped - TopicsExpress


Hi friends, I wanted to share with yall something that has helped me a lot. Ask me about the promotion I have going on once youre read the post below. Now, to the meat and potatoes. Ive been supplementing for years. Sometimes its confusing, but more often than not I feel like its saving my life, specially since I confirmed MTHFR homozygous status - a genetic condition. Even though I always made my own plan (never taking a one-size-fits-all multivitamin since they have been shown ineffective), supplementing had become very expensive for me. Usually $100-$150/month. I was paying $20/mo just to supply one nutrient alone! (L-5-MTHF).. Heck, even more for fish oil + cod liver oil. In comes Individually Designed Nutrition. This concept was introduced to me by a friend that is highly respected in the health and wellness world. She is the CEO of Paleo f(x), the worlds largest paleo lifestyle conferences (a blast to go to because paleo people are so much fun!). Her husband is the owner of a successful line of Gyms in the central Texas area. Despite being asked constantly, they have never endorsed a supplement line because none have matched their level of critique. So, what the heck is IDNutrition? Well, first the 18 year back story. A team of brilliant researchers have been developing an algorithm that in based by many thousands of peer-reviewed medical research studies. The chief formulator backing this team is Dr. Sullivan, a brilliant man whom Im have the pleasure of listening to at a conference. This algorithm uses an assessment to design and compute a supplementation plan that is personalized for each unique individual. In a nutshell, IDNutrition provides a safe and effective supplementing guideline thats as unique as you are. IDNutrition isnt new to the market, but it was only recently made available to the public. Previously, it was most too costly and exclusively offered only through certain practices. Why do I care so much about this? IDLife is a brand new company with a great vision.... to bring customized nutrition to the masses by making this technology cheaper and open to everyone. Last year my friends decided to become founding partners in this new company. I told them thats great and all, Im sure this will help a lot of people out there. But I have MTHFR and I cant be taking supplements all willey-nilley.... Talk about a company that cares. Even though not many people are aware of MTHFR, the issue was was raised up all the way to the science research team. The Dr. Sullivan got back with me personally, telling me dont worry, support for MTHFR is already in the works! Wow.. Thats powerful to me. Fast forward a few months: IDlife hosts a national conference twice a year (one south, one northeast). I attended a conference and they gave a talk about MTHFR. That was personal to me. They wanted to educate us on the rising awareness of this health issue, and I applaud them for being leaders on the cutting edge of research and technology like this. So, to make a really long story short, when you take the IDNutrition Free Health Assessment, you can add MTHFR as a condition and it will recommend the right kind of nutrients for that. In my monthly box, I am happy to take a AM and PM packet that are designed just for me (has my name printed on them). My box gives me about 800mcg of bio-active folate per day. It also delivers all of the other nutrients I need such as vitamin D3 with a bunch of co-factors. Previously I was taking generic D3 and my levels were still in the gutter. The thought-out IDNutrition blend provides D3 with olive oil, digestive enzymes, zinc and magnesium, and other nutrients D3 requires to be absorbed and utilized by the body. I get all of this and more for just $65 a month. There are so many other parts of IDNutrition that are so thought out, it never ceases to amaze me. For instance, chrono-biology and bio-active fillers. The nutrients are given to you packed in AM/PM packets. This way you receive the right nutrient at the right time of day. For instance, some things are better taken at night because your liver will metabolize them only during sleep cycles. They also thought, why would we add a bunch of inert fillers (which are needed during manufacturing), like corn starch? Instead, the fillers, when needed, are bio-active ingredients that are going to help in some way. Such as the anti-inflammatory curcumin powder. Then theres the medications. This one is a big topic for Americans. The IDNutrition assessment examines what medications someone might be on, and then pulls out any nutrients that negatively interact with that medication. Talk about safe supplementing! It even goes a step further - if a medication depletes a certain nutrient, then IDNutrition will step up that nutrient while the individual is on that medication... but if they get off the medication, the next IDNutrition box will adjust accordingly - its a program that evolves with the customer as they change. IDNutrition itself is constantly becoming more precise as scientific research becomes more refined over time. Here, I just want to share a couple of bullet points about IDNutrition then Ill explain my involvement in the company for full disclosure. -Computes supplementation plans uniquely for each individual. -Not too much, not too little of any nutrient you may or may not need. -Backed by 7500+ medical research studies from government publications. -Eliminates the risk of vitamins negatively interacting with a medication. -Steps up nutrients that may be depleted by particular medications. -Changes as you change. (For example, many people have been gotten off blood pressure medications and the monthly nutrition package will adjust accordingly) -Evolves as nutritional science becomes more refined. New studies are added to the algorithm constantly. Our team of brilliant researches read thousands of new studies per month. -Saves money and time by consolidating all nutritional needs to one source. -Only uses pharmaceutical grade nutrients developed in USA, FDA-inspected labs Is IDNutrition the one and all for me? Yes and no. I get everything I need daily. And as my diet improves (or declines sometimes), IDNutrition will adjust accordingly. However, there are times where I still take extra supplements. If Ive had wheat, I get incredible heartburn so Ill step up my digestive enzymes. I often take a electrolyte drink when I go outside or else Ill feel it later (also produced by IDLife). And when I workout I like to take a Pre-workout and Post-workout supplement. These give me an extra dose of L-5-MTHF. Methylcobalamin, BCAAs, and electrolytes to make up for my increased activity. Now, how does sharing this benefit me? IDLife is a word of mouth company. This means I make a commission when I share IDNutrition with my friends and family. Do I make a boatload of money? No, but it sure does help pay some bills after my wife lost her job last year. I wouldnt recommend a service or product that I didnt have the utmost confidence in. Having said that, we are almost to a point where we will secure our second IDLife vacation (we already had one and I never want to miss another). We arent exactly well off so vacations are just something we watch other people take - so a free trip for my wife and I means a lot to us. Its like the honeymoon and anniversaries we never had. I wanted you to be aware of all of that so you can have all of the information on our involvement. Even if it was un-paid, I would still happily share IDNutrition because my life-motto is to help others. So, if you want to take the Free Health Assessment, you can at idlifespartans. Its safe, secure, HIPAA-Compliant. You dont have to buy anything, you can just print out the list of nutrients you should be taking daily (click on View Supplement Facts). You can also read the medical evidence behind the recommendations by clicking the why button. Please let me know if I may assist in anyway, I love helping! Also, if you are interested in any of our other products (all MTHFR-friendly), let me know, I can give free samples! Also, I would love to have you follow my journey on facebook, my page is called IDLife Spartans because we overcome obstacles.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 05:19:08 +0000

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