Hi friends! I was thinking earlier today about how when I used - TopicsExpress


Hi friends! I was thinking earlier today about how when I used to fight, my fists were clenched in order to strike. This physical balling up of my hands spilt out into other areas of my life. I closed my mind off to beauty, friendship, love and peace the same way my hands were closed when fighting. My high guard in defending myself carried out into my guard and defences being up in real life. This kept nice people at arms length, far from protecting me it hurt me badly. I pushed lovely people away and denied myself happiness. Moreover, how could I hold someones hand or offer a handshake with a clenched fist? I couldnt, and long after the physical fight was over I carried it on into my relationships with others and with life itself. I was a man at war with the world because I was at war with myself. The hermetic law states as within, as without which aptly describes as I was internally unhappy I created a hell for myself outside my body. The exciting truth about this law is when I begun to manage my internal state better, outwardly things changed for the better too. Today I am a different person! This did not happen overnight and Im still a work in progress but how great it is to be able to change and effect your life and the world around you. Nowadays I embrace others, expecting and therefore seeing, the best in others. I offer a handshake and a ready smile, neither closed in my mindset or physically, with my hands. I trust myself so I can now trust others. I do not expect the worst so more often than not it does not happen. So, consider friends where you could be keeping your guard up needlessly or where you are clenching your fists, energetically speaking, expecting troubles. Relax. Breathe deeply. Let go. Life is on your side. It wants you to win. Allow it to support you as it has me, all because I finally stopped fighting. I call it the art of allowing. Sometimes, by doing nothing, everything is accomplished. Funnily enough my cleanest knockouts as a fighter, felt effortless, as I was in flow, allowing the unstoppable force we all have, to come through, not by forcing it, but by allowing the power access to move through me, into the opponent. Good luck! And remember, I believe in you. :-)
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 15:20:06 +0000

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