Hi friends! I was thinking today about how my words, thoughts - TopicsExpress


Hi friends! I was thinking today about how my words, thoughts and actions make up my reality and the world that surrounds me. I used to dwell on negative, unhappy, violent thoughts which entered my speech with angry words and resulted in violent actions in deed. Conversely, now my thoughts are peaceful, creative, positive, beautiful and inspiring this spills into correct speech which finally results in wonderfully motivational action! The difference is quite profound and yet can be traced back to how I begun to change, and thereby master, my self talk and the story I was telling myself and living up to. You see previously I saw myself as a fighter, as a warrior who was very physical. My thoughts about myself reinforced this image and added to the mix were thoughts about being bad or no good or the black sheep of the family. Now, all of these thoughts about myself, particularly about being bad, more than being unhelpful, were not even true in reality. Not everyone agreed on this, but what mattered was what I thought. I believed these thoughts to be true and so they were, to me. This is why its so important to look at the story you may be telling yourself, in your head, again particularly if the thoughts are outdated and limiting your happiness in any way, today. Thoughts such as Im too old, too fat, too thin, too short, too tall, the list is endless! You may see yourself as a non runner, someone who dislikes running. Now whats so interesting is that this isnt true, you can learn to love running! It will happen if you stop spending time and energy on thinking about what you arent and dwelling on the gorgeous possibilities of what you can become! Play in your imagination about what you would like to do, be or have. Go on, have fun dreaming up things you would like to try. Dont stop there! If you want to learn a new language, go back to college, learn to cook, join a club, find a love partner, start today! Go for it. You have nothing to lose and everything to learn! So, see yourself as unstoppable, which is what you truly are. Realise your greatness that hides behind your choices. You empower yourself by saying yes to life, by following your heart, trying new things and having fun. Wishing you all the joy and laughter in the world friends and remember, I believe in you! :-)
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 17:26:57 +0000

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