Hi friends! Moms surgery to replace her skull bone is tentatively - TopicsExpress


Hi friends! Moms surgery to replace her skull bone is tentatively scheduled for Sept 3rd...we should have confirmation of that this week. We are praying this is her last surgery for a LONG time. We are in day 137 ish of mom being in some sort of health care facility. Every single day has had its own story. Some days are good, really good, but honestly, some days are so hard.....most days are hard...if I am being really honest. Currently mom is progressing physically, just VERY slowly. Our hearts know that everything is happening in Gods time, but it is hard to make our human minds comprehend the timeline. We want her home, but not before she is ready. We need specific prayers from you all........please pray that the issues she is having with her stomach (diverticulosis and nausea) subside.....when these flare ups happen it usually wipes her out for the day....anyone who has dealt with this knows it is painful and honestly makes you want to just lay in the bed until it is over, but we are praying that God will give her the fight it takes to get through it and do her therapy. Pray for us.....mainly our precious dad, but us, her daughters as well.....I think I can safely say this is the most exhausting event we have been through....are we doing enough? could we do more? The questions that plague us daily. We know we are doing all we can, but knowing that and making your heart believe it are two different things. We are a strong family....we can do anything together with God.....and believe me, God is close. He is the only reason we have made it this far. This journey happened so quickly and it has changed our lives forever.....we are weary, yet we try as hard as we can to keep our joy. When I say each day has its own story, it is the complete truth. One day great, the next day great, the next day not so great.....it is absolutely a roller coaster. We are all learning what it truly means to maintain balance. It is not easy. We never lose sight that mom is the one in the trenches, she is the one, with God, truly fighting this battle, but to watch your loved one go through such a time can take a toll. We just need specific prayers for her motivation, healing and for our hearts to be at peace. Each of our journeys are so different, but we have one common goal.....to have our mom/wife back. We appreciate you all so much. Your prayers mean more than we can communicate to you. Keep praying and well keep updating you all.....God is good and He is walking every single step with us.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 01:55:29 +0000

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