Hi friends The Wonders of Iceland Today is the last day of - TopicsExpress


Hi friends The Wonders of Iceland Today is the last day of the Icelandic Escapade and all I can say about Iceland is its the most spectacular, unspoilt, rugged beautiful countries Ive ever visited. Friday we did a tour of the Golden Circle which was action packed with loads of natural wonders of the world. The area is north of Rekjyavik the capital where we were staying, we saw several amazing waterfalls, Gullfuss being the main one. Visited the Geysirs which are huge springs that intermittently spring into the air ever 10 minutes or so, there were about 10 of them and everyone would stand around them awaiting for them to erupt with their cameras, I caught a few shots. The geysirs are created when the volcanic lava under the ground pressurises the waters and expels it intermittently, fascinating. Yesterday we went out on a super four wheel drive jeep into the wild, rugged wilderness, a completely different and equally enjoyable day to the day before. We headed south west towards glaciers, our driver was called Siggi, who gave us a wealth of information about his country. I sat in the front with him and asked him loads of questions, more about the people tomorrow. Our first stop was a beach with black volcanic sand, the waves were crashing on the shore, and Siggi had to hold the doors of the jeep as we got out because the wind may blow them off. It was very untouched and beautiful but very windy. We headed further east into some very barren land, it looked like we were off road but we were following tracks. It was now snowing very heavily, and at one point could barely see ahead. The area was very rugged with black lava rocks, where the volcanoes had erupted and left all the blackness which looked amazing next to the white snow. We got out of the jeep and did a bit if trekking towards an ice cave, I really enjoyed this part of the trip as the snow was so deep and we crossed many small streams, using the rocks as stepping stones. The whole area was breathtakingly beautiful, black rock, white snow what a contrast. We didnt go into the ice cave as it was too dangerous. Siggi fell into a snow hole that looked very deep over 6 foot but saved himself by stepping onto a ice ledge, he made light of it and we headed back after that. We drove through rivers up and down small hills. The last stop was a wonderful vertical waterfall that you could go behind. It was spectacular. A fantastic adventurous jam packed trip filled with the natural unspoilt rugged landscape of Iceland. Have a great Easter Sunday Love from Loraine x
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 05:22:06 +0000

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