Hi friends, if you ever wanted to be a food tour guide and work at - TopicsExpress


Hi friends, if you ever wanted to be a food tour guide and work at a traditional market, here is your chance. Seoul City, the Seoul Creative Lab, and the Korea Culinary Tourism Association is offering classes on how to to be a food tour guide. On graduation, you will get a certification to be able to work at the Korean traditional markets! Read more below for details and share with others: Korean Traditional Market Tour Guide Education Program -Start Your Career as a Food Tour Guide We all know what it was like when we first came to Korea and everything was strange and new -especially the Korean traditional markets. But now as locals, we know how wonderful these places are. This program sponsored by Seoul City, the Seoul Business Association, Seoul Creative Lab, and the Korea Culinary Tourism Association is offering an education program to train foreign residents in giving tours at the traditional market to tourists. The training period will be a series of workshops, tours, and classes. If students complete the program, they will be able to get a certificate and be qualified to work at the traditional market as a food tour guide to explain the story of Korea through the cuisine. This program is being sponsored so the cost of the program is 20,000 won. Lunch, books, and tours are all included in the program. Qualified Applicants -Foreigner Resident legally able to work in Korea (F2, F5, F6, H1 Visa Holders) -Have some Korean language skills -Be available to attend 5 classes during the week between 11/25-12/23 (Class schedule TBA) Overview 1. What is the Korean Traditional Market Tour Guide Job? A: The guide will be able to give a tour to tourists that visit the Korean market by explaining about the history of the market, the foods, the products, and the people in a fun and interactive way. 2. Ideal Candidate -You should enjoy meeting foreign tourists and enjoy telling them about Korea -A person that can understand and explain about the traditional market -A person that can speak English, Chinese or Japanese -Must be an international resident (F2, F5, F6, H1 Visa Holders)(non-Korean citizenship) 3. Number of Potential Applicants 25 4. Schedule TBA but must be available to attend 5 classes (10am-5pm) between November 25th- December 25th, 2014 5. School Location Seoul Creative Lab (SCL) Bulgwang Station (Line 3) Exit 2 6. Tuition Fee: ₩20,000 won 7. Application Deadline: November 23, 2014 8. To apply, send an e-mail ([email protected]) to receive an application or download here: https://dropbox/sh/rpihgx062zu08pt/AAA7AmETY_q9bLTFSHapf5dHa?dl=0 9. Contact: - Korea Culinary Tourism Association (070-4201-1607) Jihyun Lee [email protected] 서울크리에이티브랩(SCL) 서울 꼴라주 프로그램 전통시장해설사 모집공고 1. 전통시장해설사란? 전통시장의 문화와 상품(음식, 식재료, 식가공품 등)에 대한 깊이 있는 지식과 경험을 바탕으로 음식관광상품을 기획하고 전통시장문화에 얽힌 다양한 스토리를 매력적이고 흥미롭게 해설하여 관광객에게 잊지 못할 체험을 제공하는 사람 2. 대상 - 한국의 전통을 관광객에게 알리는 일에 보람을 느끼며 즐길 수 있는 자 - 전통시장을 이해하고 매력적으로 소개할 수 있는 자 - 기본적인 영어 회화 가능한 자 - 다문화 가정, 이주 여성 우대 (한국어 가능자) 3. 선발인원 : 25명 4. 교육일정 : 총 5회 수업, 매주 화/금 10시~17시 (11월 25일 ~ 12월23일) 5. 교육장소 : 서울크리에이티브랩 (SCL), 불광역 2번 출구 6. 교육비 : ₩ 20,000 (중식 및 간식 제공) 7. 접수 기간 : 2014년 11월 14일(금) 까지 8. 신청방법은 신청서 작성 후 이메일 접수([email protected]) * 서울크리에이티브랩 홈페이지(creation.seoul.kr)내 ‘알림마당’/한국컬리너리투어리즘협회 홈페이지(kocta.org)내 ‘공지사항’에서 신청서 내려 받을 수 있습니다. Download Direct Here: https://dropbox/sh/rpihgx062zu08pt/AAA7AmETY_q9bLTFSHapf5dHa?dl=0 9. 선발방법 : 서류심사를 통한 개별통지 문의 한국컬리너리투어리즘협회 전통시장해설사 담당자 (070-4201-1607)로 문의
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 03:08:49 +0000

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