Hi guys😄😄😄!!! Here is the next chapter of The phoenix. - TopicsExpress


Hi guys😄😄😄!!! Here is the next chapter of The phoenix. Hope you like it😄 The phoenix Chapter 7 I did not know what to say when she told me that. Only in one day my life had become completely different. Only on one day i had a car accident, i had known 12 mysterious boys, i had known my grandfather. Granny: Come on lets talk inside Unicorn: Im sorry i habe to go now. My family needs me. The unicorn disappears like when he appeared before them. Granny:Come on lets go Young: Dont worry granny. I want to be alone for a while. Kris:Ill go with you Young: No, dont worry. Ill be okey. Xiumin approaches to Young and gives her a crystal with a shape of a snowflake. Xiumin: If you have any problems just break it and well be there to help you. Young: Thank you Xiumin: No problem After they go Young went for a walk. Young inadvertently walked into the forest. Young was feeling weird. She felt like someone or something was calling her. She was walking aimlessly but suddenly a branch broke behind her. Young turned and saw that something was behind him. She did not know what it was because the trees covered it but she knew that it was an animal and that animal was not only there was a second animal beside him. The two animals walked in a circle and one of them ealked to Young and shows his face. It was a big white wolf. His fur was so white that seems to glow in the dark. And his eyes were so yellow that it seems like the moon. The second animal was shown but this time it was not a wolf if it was a white fox. This had blue eyes and had five tails. The wolf began to howl. A Young found it hard to keep her eyes open. She tooks the snowflake from her pocket and attempted to break it but she hasnt enough strenght to do it . She fell to the ground and saw that the snowflake was broken. Everything became darker and darker until it was completely black. Dreaming Xxx: Young i got it!!! Young: Really where is it? Xxx: Here! Como on! Young: Whats that? Xxx: Its a baby phoenix Young: I was thinking that it will be more... Xxx: More beautiful and cool like the drawing of the book? Young: Yeah! And thats looks like a normal bird. I was thinking that there will be more fire. Xxx: Thats because the phoenix uses their fire to protect themselves. When there is no danger they are like normal birds. Do you wanna see his power? Young: Yes please! He whispered something to the bird and it flew up and his wings began to catch fire. A second later It was completely covered in flame. Young:Wooow! Xxx: Hyung! Kris hyung wake up! Check out this! Kris was lying between the wings of his dragon. He woke up and saw the phoenix. Kris: Good job Chanyeol! Its a beautiful phoenix*smiling* Kris dragon rose and flew to phoenix. Handaa_channie
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 08:36:37 +0000

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