Hi guys, Welcome to my Facebook page Fat2fitnz. My name is - TopicsExpress


Hi guys, Welcome to my Facebook page Fat2fitnz. My name is Sera and Im a 30 year old mother of 4 living in auckland. For the last 10 years i have worked in the fashion industry with my label Sera Lilly. I closed my retails store in May this year. I started my weight loss journey on the 1/1/13 at 175cm tall and weighing 118kgs at 29 years old. I decided i needed to change my crazy binging cycles and my relationship with food. After my fourth child i had enough and so i slowly started on my journey from FAT 2 FIT. I decided in october last year that i wanted to keep a online journal and be able to make myself accountable for the good and also the bad..this is how Fat 2 Fit NZ page started. I have tried every diet you can imagine...Dukan, Weight watchers , Ashley Bines , Rapid, Sure slim, Duromine, Optifast, Celebrity slim,kickstart, HCG Diet , African Mango..you name it i have tried it! Sure i got the weight off but it never lasted. As soon as you stop eating that particular way the weight piles back on. I needed to address the serious issues and that was my bad relationship with food and binge eating. So i started our eating a high fat diet at lost close to 39kgs. I am now on a journey to body sculpting and competing on stage. Its going to be a crazy journey and i am sure i will learn a lot about myself along the way. I have TV3 3rd Degree following my journey for a doco, which gives me so much more motivation to do this. My Nutrition for the next 6months is being done by Champion Nutrition NZ My training for my journey to body sculpting is Spartacus trainer Tyrone Bell My Supplements sponsor is Xtreme Nutrition I have earlier this year launch an amazing Cleansing Tea & also a Coffee based cellulite & Stretch mark scrub. if you want to have a look its fat2fitnz.co.nz Any questions or enquires feel free to email me [email protected] thanks for your support & note this page is based on my own personal opinion and journey. XX
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 10:37:26 +0000

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