Hi guys and gals, Well what a send off to 2014 we had on - TopicsExpress


Hi guys and gals, Well what a send off to 2014 we had on Sunday. Fortunately it stayed dry and wasn’t absolutely chuffing freezing! If you didn’t already know poor Haan Solo fell over during the first game obtaining a nasty leg wound which thanks to a Paramedic (sorry fella don’t know your name), Aaron Shaw and Jon Curtis and the site Marshalls he was quickly dealt with and whisked off to A&E for stitches, thoughts with you bud, take it easy and hope to see you in the New Year. We all pitched in and bought a giant pair of kneepads for you! ;) Well Sundays games were less than normal and were played by some very ‘special’ people. It wasn’t the average turn up and shoot, there was a bit more radical planning involved. Game 1 ‘Artistic Licence’ pitched the two teams against each other. Players at the beginning were scribbled on with a marker pen denoting a letter. Once I’d briefed the game it was simple, from your spawnpoint run forward to the drawing board and with the pen draw the picture relating to the letter on your hand, these included, Santa, Reindeer, Turkey and a Snowflake. Initially the pickup was slow as the amount of fire in the drawing area was intense with some from both sides running for cover but getting hit at the last moment. The Reds did manage to get a couple of pics down before Haans injury at which point the game was called and players moved onto Village. Reds = 2 Blues = 1 (effort made) Game 2 ‘Advent surprise’ scattered around the Village arena were the gold & silver blocks each with a number on them. Each team was given a number of numbers to find and collect. Once picked up they could not be put down and had to be carried for the rest of the game. Both teams put maximum effort in and whilst the main action was obviously in the village centre, small skirmishes popped up on the flanks throughout both games. Reds = 3 Blues = 4 Game 3 ‘Falling Down’ we travelled to the Missiles arena where on top of the wooden crate were two stacks of Jenga. The game was simple, charge from spawnpoints onto the plateau where the box and Missiles stood (designated semi only area), and one by one remove the jenga blocks under fire, under smoke and under barrages of abuse, the blocks then had to be taken back to the spawnpoint for collection. The first game saw the Reds charge in and seize control of the plateau within a minute of game on. The Blues then struggled throughout the game to gain ground, eventually getting to the edge of the plateau but time was called. In game 2, the Reds having charged in quickly soon found themselves outgunned by a sneaky flanking force who cut those on the plateau off from the rest of the team. Whilst both teams were pecking at each other efforts were made by both teams to break in and steal some blocks. Reds = G1-6 / G2-4 (10) Blues = G1-1 / G2-1 (2) Game 4 ‘Recipe for disaster’ was played in Hedgerows and involved a ‘supermarket sweep’ style of gameplay, but thankfully Dale Winton was not lurking in the bushes! Both teams were given a shopping list with a few items on it which the marshalls had hidden in the arena. Once items were found they had to be taken back to the teams spawnpoint. The one tricky objective was the Turkey, as there wasn’t a dead one, instead a marshall (of the 3 we had with us) would without warning suddenly break out into a mad turkey dance waving his hands above his head and running around shouting ‘gobble gobble gobble’ for 20 secs after which he would return to normal (though it probably was normal anyway for the 3 marshalls we had!) The aim was to shoot the Turkey and within the 10 sec window, get in, capture him and return him to the team spawnpoint. It took a good 20 min battle around the entire Hedgerow arena where the Blues were pushed back to their spawn but a generous push allowed them to force back the encroaching Red team. The Blues got back into the fight and soon enough managed to bag the Turkey and nearly complete their shopping list. Whilst the fight continued in the last 5 mins of the game, 3 quails got into the arena (played by the marshalls) who went hell for leather running around squawking and screaming. Safe to say they got absolutely riddled from both teams but with the force of fire on their side and a victory in sight the Blues manhandled the 3 screaming quails back to their base just as the game was called. Reds = 4 Blues = 7 (4x food items, 1 turkey, 2 quails) Game 5 ‘Gremlins’ saw the Blue team defending the Beaches arena and the central marker (played by a marshall) for 10 mins. If they successfully held the arena, they had to then fall back to Dark Woods and again defend for 10 mins. The Reds attacking had to storm the arena and tag the marshall to claim the arena as theirs within the time limit. At game on the Reds slowly pushed downhill keeping up an impressive rate of fire in the centre whilst sneaky players crept down the left and right flanks. The blues though held on tightly and refused to budge. I believe that the right hand flank (facing down the hill) was held by a Colin and a Neil…. The Blues still held the arena at 10 mins and fell back to Dark Woods and defended for the rest of the game. No matter how much the Reds pushed down and kept hitting the Blues the Blues were defiant and it ended in an easy victory for the Reds. Reds = 0 Blues = 4 (2x defend Beaches, 2x defend Dark Woods) Game 6 ‘Get rid of the evidence’ was played over the Bridge. In the centre of the bridge was a huge tub of Cadburys chocolate Heroes and bags of cookies. The teams objectives were to get in, grab a sweet / cookie (one at a time), scoff it in front of the marshall and retreat. Only one player was allowed on the bridge at a time and unable to fire, however other players could shoot those on the bridge. Both teams rushed the bridge barricades and laid down heavy fire so for the first few mins nobody could get onto the bridge. The thought of chocolates and cookies soon overpowered some players who kamikazed in screaming and shouting with some getting to the goodies and scoffing them. As the game continued you could see those players who really were putting their all in (mainly as there were free chocolates, not naming any names!) After a quick first game, ends were swapped and the game replayed. This one was a bugger I admit, it was tough, but hey if I’m giving you all free choc I want to see you work hard ;) Reds = 6 Blues = 3 Game 7 ‘Kill the dirty terrorist named as Santa’ nice simple game name! The remaining players in the failing light were asked to nominate a player to be the terrorist Santa, unfortunately for Tom Brooks he was chosen (to much amusement by the others) mainly because he had a beard. Well he had the last laugh as he was allowed to choose 4 ninja elves to be his bodyguards. His task was simple, get from the safezone down to the bottom shed in Village alive and within the 20 min time limit. Easy right. Oh no…. we fixed 9 jingly bells to various parts of his plate carrier, shemagh, rifle, boots and clothes, when he moved he jingled oh so loudly. But to even it up Santa was allowed to distribute ‘presents’ in the form of 4x bb grenades to the lovely lying in wait assassins. The assassins were given a head start to setup an ambush for him. At game on the soft jingle jingle from Tom disappeared into the bushes followed by a few choice words from his elves who refused to go anywhere near him. The light rapidly fell and the sounds of gunfire and very loud booms of grenades shattered the dusk as both teams tried to hunt each other. Within the last few minutes a loud boom was heard at the bottom of village and with that the assassins legged it firing at anything that moved in the darkness. With the game called in near total darkness it turned out that Santa had just slipped through the net and managed to get home safely. He’s safe for now, until next year…. Total Reds = 20 Total Blues = 17 Well I had a great time watching the players get into each game and try out games that weren’t necessarily prepared by someone with a sane mind! I’m hoping that it felt to everyone who played a fitting end to the year and knowing that we few had great fun at each others expense. I’m looking forward to 2015 which will be even bigger and better than 2014, but that’s a post I’ll be putting up on New Years Eve, drunk as a newt, with autocorrect on my phone misspelling all the words and accidentally telling you all I love you. Until then, have a very Merry Christmas and may it be full of airsoft goodies or cash, if it’s cash you can buy airsoft goodies! Take it easy all and don’t forget to leave some cookies and milk out for Santa :)
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 18:21:08 +0000

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