Hi ladies, this is why Ive been so quiet in here of late! Ive just - TopicsExpress


Hi ladies, this is why Ive been so quiet in here of late! Ive just launched Video Fame Academy.....!!! Step-by-step guidance on how to build a solid video marketing strategy to quickly grow your email list and build an online business that clients flock to. ==>How to produce videos that captivate your prospects and create raving fans. We focus on video engagement. You’ll learn how to connect with your audience, increase your visibility and generate a constant stream of quality leads (the strategies you learn will mean that video will be your 24/7 sales person). ==>Personalised guidance and feedback on YOUR videos from a TV + Video Pro. I will guide you through the exact steps to make amazing videos that people LOVE. You’ll also get my direct feedback on your videos saving yourself years trying to work out how to create effective videos on your own. ==>Your own high impact videos. You’ll leave the program with videos you can use in your business right away to rise above the noise and propel your business forward. ==> How to create video blogs that position you as an instant expert. ==>YouTube Optimization. You’ll learn how to set up and optimize your YouTube channel to build a following and maximise views. ==>Essential video-making skills i.e. scripting, editing, presenting, framing, shooting, editing plus loads more. ==>How to Get Killer Video Testimonials (that look slick and bring you more clients!). ==> Video producer’s “Little Black Book” of outsourcing. The best (value) people to outsource your work to if needed. ==>Buyer’s Guides of recommend video kit buys and software. ==>Done-for-you templates including scripts for video-blogs, welcome videos, squeeze pages, sales videos, promos and more. Video Fame = Business Celebrity Status. Im going to be sharing my secret sauce, the insider know-how Ive gleaned over the last 20 years in how to make engaging videos that make an impact online and drive traffic and sales. So… == Heres Who This Is For == ==> Anyone who wants simple and effective video marketing strategies to attract their ideal client. ==> Anyone who wants to become known as THE go-to person in their industry. ==> Anyone who wants to learn how to deliver their message with MAXIMUM impact right out of the gate. ==> Anyone who wants to get YouTube working as an effective marketing tool. ==> Anyone who is tired of making amateur looking videos and wants to learn easy ways to boost the production value of their videos without it costing an arm and a leg. No matter what stage your business is at, if you are ready to claim your niche and create videos that build your business and boost your bottom line then Video Fame Academy is for you. Apply here >> ow.ly/BxRm1 Andrea x
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 10:30:25 +0000

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