Hi my amazing friends. I am remember 4 years ago. I always like - TopicsExpress


Hi my amazing friends. I am remember 4 years ago. I always like to remember where I came from and where I am. 4 years ago Christmas, I was in a motel in Springfield Missouri, waiting to get into a place I knew nothing about, other than I would learn about God. A friend and I were going to go to Inner City Outreach because they had a big thing going. Couldnt make it because the buses didnt come as we found out standing in the snow. So I spend the day in the motel, had soup and a sandwich and coffee, so grateful I had something. Then December 27th I got on the bus with the same friend. I left my motel, had just enough money to get to the Victory House, buy 3 packs of cigarettes, had just enough time on my phone to make it to the house, packed up my 2 bags and we were off. I didnt know what to expect. I got there and did not know that I would be meeting my forever friends and the best friend of all, Jesus. Wow, I remember how scared I was, how I didnt understand anything, so afraid, but they gave me such awesome friends and teachers and an amazing chaplain Linda. I met her that day. All I remember is she was so awesome. I wanted what she had. Then they gave me a mentor, who taught me so much. It was a year of my life, reading studying learning HIS WORD. What an amazing journey. As I am writing this I am crying tears of gratitude for what that place and the amazing people did for me. Had amazing staff there. They taught me so much. Who gets to find Jesus and then spend a year getting to know HIM. It was so awesome. God arranged this whole place. God arranged for me to be there. The many many miracles that happened around that time and the many miracles that have happened since then. Never once have I ever walked alone since I met HIM. I was a scared, mess when I showed up there. I didnt have anything. VH taught me skills that I would use in my life and at this job. Never believed a homeless, hopeless, terrified, crazy, insecure, shameful, person like myself could ever be where I am today, spiritually, emotionally, financially and physically. God has restored so much. Restored my relationship with my kids, my family, old friends and new friends. I have learned how to totally rely on HIM and HIS STRENGTH. They taught me how to follow Jesus, no turning back. So grateful. So grateful. Thank you Jesus, thank you Victory House, thank you Linda, Holly, Becca, Bri, Jenn Susan and all the beautiful forever friends I have. You all mean so much to me. Through this I have met the most amazing people, got to hang with the people who prayed for me that first day of outreach, David and Judi. I am so grateful for all the people who God put in my life. All of you have touched my heart and have helped me on this journey with Jesus and for that I am extremely grateful. I love you all and Jesus loves you all. Thank you, God bless you all.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 23:04:13 +0000

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