Hi my friends …. This is probably one of the most hardest mails - TopicsExpress


Hi my friends …. This is probably one of the most hardest mails I have ever sent. Miko or Bumbalina as we call him our Yorkie rescue is seriously ill with confirmed Parvo Virus. He rallied on Thursday and we were all happy but it has been downhill from then. Today was day 3 of no food! He is on a drip and being hydrated constantly. Had a bath this am to remove all the foul runny poo’s. We do not know where it came from and as Miko has had all his vacs we think this may be a mutated virus. I am told the valley is full up of sick dogs so there is an epidemic which of course State Vets will not acknowledge! Jane my vet is constantly at his side so we are praying desperately for his recovery! I spent the entire morning howling my eyes out as Tiny Chief the other Yorkie was playing up and barking constantly clearly disturbed so I was sure Miko had not made it!!!! If he rallies we have to keep him isolated for at least 3 weeks before he comes home. My heart is shattered. Which lends us to Fenrir. At 5 weeks he is un-inoculated (well was till this afternoon I personally inoculated him early 5 weeks at 2pm ... instead of 6 weeks … Jane my vet and I made the call however the Parvo injections ate 3 phase ... 6 weeks, 12 weeks and 16 weeks so only then would he be covered). BUT I had to do something .... He only has his mother’s Nanas immune system to go on. Parvo is highly highly contagious. And as late as Tuesday he was still playing with Miko. It has a 10 day max incubation period. So if by Thursday next week he is not showing any symptoms he should be fine. If not he will be rushed to the vets and immediately put on drips. Jane has given me a probiotic which is new on the market and it also attaches itself to viruses and flushes them and he has been on this med for 3 days already. I have gone through 25l of Jik already trying to sanitise my home but the problem is I do not know where Miko went .... If he Fenrir is ok by Saturday I am moving him to Foster Care. My “land” has Parvo in it now for the next 12 months … so I cannot take the risk. My best friend Michelle (who is also my Cancer Buddy having lost her boob the same time as me, lost another boob and now is diagnosed again with Cancer in a mild form) will take him on Saturday and will look after him until we can send him to his new home. He is on full time solids so this is ok. She is also a seriously doggy person and the best for him at this time. She also has around 9 dogs …. Huge house on a farm … seriously cool person … Because he is an “only” child he is well socialised and can spend time on his own quite happily. He does not display any any signs of Separation Anxiety and in total is a happy well-adjusted pup. Well used to spending alone time. He will happily let me leave the room so spend time with the dogs outside and look at me and say oh you back when I come back in … Seriously I just want the world to swallow me up at the moment … but I don’t have the luxury of that so need to do what needs to be done! But dying a little at a time ... Miko Bumbalina is one of those babies sent to you from heaven .... he just knew when you needed love ... he came from a crap home ... unloved and totally lost ... it took me weeks to gain his trust ... and as my last memory of him was him cleaning my neck with love and adoration .... if I loose him ... a big part of me will be lost forever .... and I may just reconsider many things on many levels .... please if you pray pray for him ... if you do the universe ... please call her ... I want this child back ... and I want Fenrir to be ok ... and Yes I am very scared ... I am a wreck .... but I will do what needs to be done .... until its done ...
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 18:58:30 +0000

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