Hi my friendz... Continuing on the Chapters 21 & 22 on the Zole - TopicsExpress


Hi my friendz... Continuing on the Chapters 21 & 22 on the Zole Circle... Previously, we have seen that the children of Lord Zodarch and Lady Zodarchia was doing an attempt to create a clone of Epsilon Daushre. Also, the character of Gen. Polaris, the son of King Daushre was introduced but, he was abducted by Lord Zodarch witht he use of the magnificent Dragon Z1-A piloted by Gen. Zodious. Now, did the children created a successful clone of Epsilon? If they did, what could this clone do? What about Lord Zodarch? What is he really planning for Gen. Polaris? Find out... --------------- This novel Zole circle will be posted on my wall every Wednesdays and Saturdays. If you want to subscribe by tagging, just PM me or just leave a comment on my posts. Additionally, if you missed the previous chapters of the novel, you can also inform me so that I could send you a copy of the previous chapters. Enjoy Reading :) ---------------- CHAPTER XXI The New Epsilon As the clone of Epsilon awoke and get up from the capsule, he looked at the two teenagers standing by… Orion and Archalorrah: Father! You finally woke up. Epsilon: (wondering) Who are you? Archalorrah: (Dad, we’re your children. I’m Archalorrah and he’s my brother, Orion. Epsilon: (astonished) What?! I already have two kids?! And you seem to be as old as me! How could this be? Are you two serious? You must be kidding! Orion: Yes dad, we’re serious. We cloned you up from the bionic tissues that you have preserved since you and mom became cyborgs. Archalorrah: And were products of reproductive cloning process done by you. Or shall I say, your cyborg self my Dad. (smiled because of what she have just said) Epsilon: Huh? I’m still confused… Orion: (showing a computer like machine) Ahmmm… Dad, maybe you just need to read the data in this data base in order for you to understand everything. Epsilon: Okay, okay… just give me enough time… may I? Archalorrah: Yes Dad! Sure you can! But one thing is for sure… you two really look like twins. Epsilon: huh? Orion: Ahmmm… Dad, if you need us, we’ll be just at the next room. Epsilon: Okay… Confusedly, Epsilon scanned everything he could in the data base system that Orion had given to him. Until finally after about 2hours, he understood everything. He relaxed his self for a while on a chair, dressed his self up with black long sleeve shirt, blue leather pants and shoes and a blue long coat available, and headed out to the next room where his children were waiting for him. Epsilon: (knocking on the door) Orion? Archalorrah? Are you there my dear kids? Archalorrah: Dear? Have I heard it right my brother? He said the word “Dear”? Orion: You’ve heard it right Archalorrah for I heard it too… C’mon let’s greet our father! Archalorrah reached the door first and opened it up and gave Epsilon a tight hug. Archalorrah: My father! Mom was right… you have a firm but sweet attitude. Epsilon: Archalorrah? What a nice name you have my daughter. And you my son, what a very great names you have. Orion: (smiled) Thanks for my grandpa who made this name a great one. Epsilon: Precisely. Archalorrah: Hey, what a nice color of suit you have preferred Dad! Blue is just right for you. But I thought black is your favorite color? Epsilon: (smiled) I choose this color in order for you not to be easily confused with me and your brother. Orion then offered a sit to Epsilon and the three sat rounding a table, facing each other. Epsilon: So where is your mother? She holds the name of Lady Zodarchia now, right? Orion: Yes Dad. Probably she is with… Ahmmm… shall I say she’s with you right now? Epsilon: (laughed a little) its okay Orion, I understand… you mean she’s with Lord Zodarch? Orion: Yes Dad… Epsilon: (stared a bit at Archalorrah) You know what Archalorrah, you really look like your mother when she was at your age. Archalorrah: Really Dad? Epsilon: Seems like, I feel missing her right now. Orion: We could make a clone of mom if you like? Epsilon: No Orion. Please don’t do that. I have some plans in my mind and I don’t want your mom to be reborn just to be in danger. Archalorrah: Plans? What are your plans Dad? Epsilon: I’m sorry I can’t tell it to you as of now my kids. It seems like I’m not so sure yet about this. Suddenly, Orion’s wristwatch received a call from Lady Zodarchia. Lady Zodarchia: My dear Orion, where are you now? Orion: Ahmmm… just around the palace Mom… Lady Zodarchia: Proceed to your quarters now for it’s already time for you to eat. Orion: Okay Mom… we’ll come ahead. When the call ended, Archalorrah asked her brother… Archalorrah: Won’t you tell Mom about what we have done? Orion: Maybe not yet as of now. Archalorrah: But why? Epsilon: Your brother is right Archalorrah. You’re Mom might disagree on what you have done and most especially your father. If Zodarch would discovered that you have cloned me up, he might kill me. Archalorrah: But how would you eat Dad? Where would you get some food for yourself? Orion: It’s easy! We will just provide for him Archalorrah. There’s a lot of food supply in the storage area intended for us. Dad, we’ll be back after dinner so that we could give you some food. You just stay and wait here… okay Dad? Epsilon: Okay Orion… The two then left the room at the secret basement and headed to their quarters. While at the basement, Epsilon went to the laboratory and scanned some more with the files in the data base. Upon his research, he saw a certain data system with a secret code which he knew; he is the only person who knows it because it is his personal secret code. He realized that the password was his personal code because he had already tried all of the other possible keys and none matched with it. He then assume that Lord Zodarch have made the data system because he and Lord Zodarch are one so, he knew that Zodarch also knew his personal password. Epsilon then immediately started to browse the content of the data system and was really shocked of what he has read. Suddenly, the coding alarm of the main door of the basement sounded as if someone is trying to open it up. Epsilon quickly looks for a place to hide and found an unused empty file closet and secured himself inside. He then peeped at the key hole and saw Lord Zodarch entered the laboratory. He saw the ruler of the Zero approached a secret door concealed with the wooden wall, and entered a code to its coding device. The last thing Epsilon saw is Lord Zodarch going down a secret passage behind the door as it closes up. About 20minutes later, Epsilon saw Lord Zodarch came out of the secret passage and went out of the basement. Upon securing that Zodarch had gone, Epsilon went out of the closet where he was hiding and headed to the secret door. He then tried to decode it and successfully, he opened the door and went in to the passage. At the end of the passage, Epsilon found a small laboratory room with one capsule secured inside with several operating gadgets beside it. He then scanned the data of the gadgets and was shocked of what he had discovered. After seeing this, he then restored the gadgets, left the secret laboratory, and get out of the passage back to the room where Orion and Archalorrah had left him. After several minutes, the two came back bringing some food for Epsilon to eat. Archalorrah: We’re back Dad! Epsilon: Didn’t your mother ask where did you come from earlier? Orion: Of course she did. But we just told her we were just enjoying our trip inside the palace. Epsilon: By the way, Zodarch came in here at the basement earlier. Orion and Archalorrah: (shocked) What?! Archalorrah: Didn’t he saw you Dad? Epsilon: No. I have managed to hide in an unused empty file closet. Archalorrah: My brother, it seems like it is not safe anymore for Daddy Epsilon to stay here. Orion: You’re right. Maybe we should look for a place for you to stay Dad. Archalorrah: (worrying) And you need to leave this place right now! Epsilon: Maybe you’re right but, there’s something I need to do before leaving this place. Orion: Check out all of the data in the data systems here? Epsilon: Yes. Maybe you didn’t notice but, this basement is the brain of the Planet Zero. Orion: Huh? But… Epsilon: All of the systems of the Planet Zero are connected to this basement. If you thought that the center of the planet’s system is the Zero Core Unit, then you’re wrong. That unit is only a disguise or a mask of the true center of the Zero, intentionally made by Zodarch for him to control the planet fully with his hands. Archalorrah: But I thought Mom also knows that there is a place like this in the palace… Epsilon: Yes she does but, not all of the systems here are known to her. Upon my scanning within this place, I discovered lots of secret data which were fully hidden by secret cyber routes and high-level passwords and codes; including my personal passkey. Orion: So what are your plans Dad? Epsilon: Ahmmm… Can I ask you two a favor? Archalorrah: What’s that? Just tell us Dad… Epsilon: Bring me here a handy computer device like a laptop, some storage device like memory cards, and a connecting cord. Orion and Archalorrah: Roger than… Sir Epsilon! The two then immediately left the room and hurried to find the things that Epsilon had asked from them. When they had come back, Epsilon then immediately began hacking the whole system of the basement including the secret laboratory in order for him to manage the system from another place. About an hour had pass and Epsilon was finally done of his work and the three then immediately left the room. Orion and Archalorrah brought Epsilon to Orion’s quarters and let him stay in there --------------- CHAPTER XXII The Betrayal And The Rejection In his prison cell, Gen. Polaris was resting his back against the wall while sitting on the floor at a corner of the cell. Bitterness could be traced on his face, and it seems like it is not caused by his captivity due to his defeat with Gen. Zodious but, something deeper is running in his thoughts. After a while, the main door of the prison area opened up and in a moment, stood in front of Gen. Polaris’ cell was Lord Zodarch. Lord Zodarch: Thinking of something? Gen. Polaris: (looked down and remained silent) Lord Zodarch: It seems like there is no search operation happening in the Zole to find a missing general. Isn’t your father worried of you? Gen. Polaris: (still looking down) Never will he. Lord Zodarch: (grinned a little) Huh? Gen. Polaris: He never thinks of me. He just thinks me as his knight and never as his son. If there is something bothers his mind right now, it is not because of my lost but, because of the easy defeat of the Phoenix Battalion. Lord Zodarch: Are you feeling bad for your father? Gen. Polaris: (teary) Yes. Lord Zodarch: Do you want to teach him a lesson in order for him to see your value? Gen. Polaris: Value? Lord Zodarch: Yes. You’re a great knight. Gen. Polaris: How could you say so if your general had defeated my whole battalion all by himself? Lord Zodarch: (laughed) You’re defeat was not because your weak. It’s just because the Dragon Z1-A is a very powerful space rover. You’re brilliant abilities as a general could be seen in your tactics and strategies on how did you conquer the whole Zole Circle and gave it on to your father’s hands. Even though the Phoenix SR2 is a great rover, it would be useless without a great pilot. Same with my Dragon. Gen. Polaris: (looked up to Zodarch’s face) Why are you saying all of these? Lord Zodarch: I just want to see if given a chance, you would slap your father’s face in order for him to recognize you as his son. Gen. Polaris: Speak to me directly! Lord Zodarch: Would you like to be my knight? Do you want to have the Dragon? Gen. Polaris: (speechless) Lord Zodarch: Oops… don’t answer yet. Better to think for it first. I don’t want to have an unsure knight. Meanwhile, at the room of Orion, Epsilon was sitting on a chair, looking out the window, and seems to have a very deep thought. He is thinking about everything that had happened that day. He is thinking of everything he had discovered after he awoke as a clone. He is thinking of how far he had change after 17 years of treasuring anger and a thirst for revenge in his heart; he had never thought it would reach up to this terrible point. Finally, he decided to have a talk with his two children. Orion: Is there something bothering you Dad and you want to talk with us? Archalorrah: My brother… why are you thinking so negative? Maybe he just wants to spend time with us. Right Dad? Epsilon: Ahmmm… Orion… Archalorrah… I know you made a clone of me for you to be with me, right? Archalorrah: Yups… Epsilon: I have nothing against it but, there were so many things that surprised me as I woke up. Things that I need to settle down, or even try to solve because I started all of these. Orion: What do you mean Dad? Epsilon: I have discovered lots of Zodarch’s plans that are needed to be shattered up. And I am the only one that could do it. Archalorrah: Could we help you Dad? Epsilon: That I would not allow. The things that I would do are very dangerous for you. Orion: But Dad! We’re your children. And we’re perfectly designed to gain the abilities, characteristic, and traits from you and from Mom. We could help you. Epsilon: Yes you have our selves combined in you but, have you developed all your potentials? Obviously no. You need to develop those things first in order for you to use it with full potential. Archalorrah: If we have successfully developed our selves Dad, does it mean that we could help you already? Epsilon: We’ll see. Orion: So what are you planning to do now Dad? Epsilon: Go back to the Archalyss… After 2hours of preparation, Epsilon wore a disguise of an android and went out of Epsilon’s room. With a map of the whole palace and a map of the Planet Zero, Epsilon went to the prison cell where he have heard that there is an Archalystian high general whom a general of Lord Zodarch had captured. His determination to see the captive increased when he have found out that the captive was a son of his Uncle Deneb and of his own mother Arissea; realizing that the person was his half-brother. Reaching the prison area, Epsilon then finds a way to reach the prison cell where Gen. Polaris was placed. And finally, he had found the cell and stood in front of it. Epsilon: Polaris? Are you Polaris Daushre? Gen. Polaris: Yes. Who are you? Huh… why am I asking this? For sure you’re n android. Epsilon: How will I suppose to say this? But, no I’m not. And… you need to get out of here! Gen. Polaris: Are you trying to help me? Epsilon: Yes. You’re father must be worrying for you as of now. Gen. Polaris: (bitterly laughed) My father worrying for me? It’s impossible! Epsilon: (troubled) What are you saying? Gen. Polaris: He will never be worried for me. And, no I won’t escape! I have decided to be a knight of Lord Zodarch. Epsilon: (shocked) What?! But you couldn’t! You’ll surely regret that decision of yours. Gen. Polaris: And why? And who do you think you are to say to me those things?! Epsilon: I’ am… I am your… Gen. Polaris: (cutting Epsilon’s sentence) Go out right now! Go out and I will not tell Lord Zodarch that you came. Epsilon looked at Polaris’ eyes and couldn’t say anything. Disappointed, Epsilon turned his back from the cell and left the area. He then went directly to the hangar and fined a space rover that he could use for his escape. But before he could find one, he remembered that the security of the Planet Zero was very high and he couldn’t get out of the planet without noticed. So, what he did is to observe and collect some information first around the hangar and he found out that there would be a space rover to be launched an hour later to search for new minerals around the Zole Circle. Epsilon then saw few androids going to the space rover, and he too went with them wearing an android disguise from top to toe; with a mask with a built-in oxygen supplier provided by Orion for him to be used in the outer space. After the space rover had successfully launched, Epsilon waited for several minutes and in a distance far enough from the Planet Zero, he took his laptop, activated it, and immediately infect viruses to the androids who were with him in the space rover making them suspended and shut down instantly. After doing so, Epsilon took the control of the space rover and headed to the Archalyss with the Invisibility System of the space rover activated. --------------- What the! Polaris is a brother of Epsilon! And now that we have seen that the children had created not only a successful but also a hundred percent perfect copy of Epsilon, what is this clone planning to do now? Will Lord Zodarch discover what had the children had done? What about their mother Lady Zodarchia? And what will Epsilon do upon reaching back to the Archalyss? Next on... Zole Circle: Chapter 23: Hidden Steps
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 04:24:04 +0000

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