Hi, my lovely Labradoodles friends, this is my first proper post - TopicsExpress


Hi, my lovely Labradoodles friends, this is my first proper post of 2015 and I wanted to start by wishing my buddies old and new a very Happy New Year. I hope you all enjoy health, wealth and happiness during the year and I am looking forward to making lots of new friends over the next 12 months. As usual, I have had a fascinating week, having said goodbye to my Spanish family and enjoyed a few days of relative peace and quiet before going to stay with the Dog Sitter whilst my mum and dad, Davina Benito and John Hayes went to stay with friends. Of course, I missed them, but also had an amazing time with my two doggie friends, Lula the Labradoodle and Arthur the hyperactive, ball-fixated Sproodle. I have really bonded with the two of them and we spent a couple of hours romping around the local park, rolling around in the dirt and mud and generally behaving in an exuberant fashion. I stayed a couple of days and feel like it is home from home, as I get such wonderful attention from Hanna, the dogsitter. Although I enjoyed my short break, I was so glad when Davina and John returned to London that I couldn’t even be bothered to give them the normal “aloof” treatment which was how I greeted them the first time they left me at Hannas. I know when I am onto a good thing, and it is always lovely to return to Casa Lucy, my home near the Thames as I feel like I rule the roost there. My every whim is catered for by my doting parents and that is something I always look forward to. I must admit, however, I sometimes dread going to sleep when I am at home as I never know how my owners are going to make me look in the secret photographs they take when I am snoozing. Having said that, I think I look ultra-intelligent in the photo of me wearing my dad’s glasses. Very chic and sophisticated, a look that is very becoming for a Dood. One major mishap that happened to me this week was when I accidentally managed to “friend” a couple of members of the Foxhunting fraternity via Facebook. As soon as I saw their photos, I unfriended them, and gave them the benefit of my views on foxhunting. Unfortunately the discussion degenerated when one of them called me a “F***wit”. I wasn’t particularly offended by the insult, but was appalled by their inability to spell the word correctly. For the record, there is no “h” in “F***wit. They may be able to chase defenceless foxes with a pack of hounds, but spelling is definitely not their forte. I had a major grooming session this morning as I went for a long walk in Wandsworth Park with John Hayes. I am a very sociable Labradoodle and I seem to attract other dogs and their owners quite easily and today was a prime example of this. Within a couple of minutes, I was cavorting through the mud with Bella the Bassett Hound and Cookie the Labrador. By the time I returned home, my lovely Apricot / White coat looked as though it had been smeared with mud and dirt and I could have passed for chocolate brown in colour. However, after a grooming session that seemed to last most of the day (I am prone to exaggeration), I regained my normal lustrous looks. I am absolutely shattered now, so am going to have a sleep in preparation for another frantic week meeting new friends in the park and also here on Facebook. Thanks for reading, my gorgeous friends. Ciao for now, Love Lucy xxxx
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 17:21:50 +0000

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