Hi, my name is Juliana, I’m from Australia and I guess like - TopicsExpress


Hi, my name is Juliana, I’m from Australia and I guess like everyone here, I would like to help with eating disorder education and awareness. I began developing anorexia when I was 14 years old and was diagnosed early 2009 with restrictive anorexia. Growing up, you hear of eating disorders, but you never consider that one day you will develop one. This is such a throwback, but I remember when I found out Mary-Kate Olsen had anorexia, someone who I idolised, I just let it slip by. Thinking, but she’s so pretty and perfect, why would she not eat? And that’s it. That’s what most people think though. That anorexia is just not eating to be thin. It’s not that simple. Below are two examples of how unaware some people can be, even those closest to you. I always had a fear of sitting down during my ED. Once my sister grabbed me, sat me on her lap, trying to hug me and I just wormed my way out of her arms to stand back up. She looked at me and said ‘get a life’. She didn’t realise it at the time, but those words hurt. My best friend, the friend who I wrote letter after letter for years telling her all about my ED and what was going through my head told me straight to the face in a conversation one day – I don’t understand, you WERE NEVER REALLY ANOERXIC. To have someone so close to, who knows most of your secrets tell you that everything you have dealt with for the past 5 years wasn’t real. That hurts. Maybe she thought I wasn’t skinny enough to be anorexic… I don’t know. My story could go for much longer, honestly this is barely anything, but I don’t want to post anything that could be considered triggering. But I do however want to fast forward to now. I’m now 20 years old and currently studying to become a clinical exercise physiologist and know that in my future profession I somehow want to integrate working with ED recovery patients into my career. I took up powerlifting early this year, and will be off to the junior nationals in 2 weeks time (something which I never imagined could happen to me!) I wish I had known about powerlifting from the start of my journey, the lifting community has been the best influence towards my recovery. I’m really excited to see how this page evolves. As like the other post, I have attached a before and after (the before is not at my lowest weight as I do not have photos of that time). If anyone wants to follow my journey, or would like to know more about powerlifting and how its helped me, feel free to add me on FB, or instagram : juliana.elyce In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 23:53:49 +0000

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