Hi, my name is sister Traci Roberts. I wanted to share this - TopicsExpress


Hi, my name is sister Traci Roberts. I wanted to share this experience with you. I had yet to give a testimony... my fear of speaking in front of people well, i let it control me, even at my baptism when i wanted to get up and say something i couldnt. One of my elders is somekind of head missionary or something, he leads the meetings and such... well he wanted to try something different at todays missionary meeting.... they were talking about miracles and how we dont always realize them or appreciate them for what they are. He wanted the other missionaries to realize that every converted soul is a miracle. . Anyway he had mom and me give our testimony on our conversion journey to the group......so i finally gave my first testimony in front of a group of people and i didnt pass out or die...lol i prayed all the way there for God to be with me and lend me his strength so i could bear witness... I was shaking and nervous but also strangely calm...... I know that the spirit was with me, helping me overcome my fear. I made it through my story and i feel very accomplished. I never want to get up in front of a group again but i do want to tell people my story... So here it is. :) My journey started with an online video game! Little did I know that that one sleepless night would end up saving my soul. I met my friend on this game, who in turn introduced me to the church and help me to reacquaint myself with God. Over the next couple of months we would talk about the gospel, and the differences between the LDS church and the other denominations out there. He encouraged me to pray to God and ask Him if what he was telling me was true. So, I prayed. I wanted to read this Book of Mormon that he kept referring to. So, I looked it up online and put in a request to have one sent to me. This was in June. I was very excited to read it and see for myself what I would learn from it. SO, I waited, and waited. I never heard from anyone, nor did I receive a copy of the book. I dont like to be denied what I want, it tends to make me more determined to get it. I ended up telling my friend and he was kind enough to send me 2 copies. My revelations about the Book of Mormon didnt hit me all a once, but in a slow and steady process that just snuck up and me until I realized that what i was reading was true. I told my friend about my thoughts and asked where I go from here. Now I need to talk to the missionaries, is what I was told. I really had to think this one over. I had absolute panic about having strange men come and preach at me, tell me im all wrong in my beliefs, and that Im going straight to hell for it. This was in Sept. I gritted my teeth and went online again and filled out another request for someone to contact me. I continued to read the Book and pray for guidance in my endeavor. Thanksgiving rolled around and I still hadnt heard from anyone. I was starting to think that maybe I wasnt supposed to join the LDS church, that maybe I wasnt spiritual enough, or good enough to be saved. I worried and prayed and cried and finally got my answer one night when a feeling of complete calm and acceptance washed over me. I realized I was being a silly girl and that God loves me and wants me by his side for all eternity. So my determination back, I filled out another request form. It was a few weeks later when I got tired of waiting and decided to call the church here in Duluth and was blessed to have someone there to answer late that night. I explained the situation, about an hour later the bishop called me and assured me that the missionaries would be calling me in a few days. I was so relieved when they finally came out to the house and that they were not the boogieman I thought they would be. They were very kind and patient with us. During that 1st meeting I realized that I wanted to be baptized and be a member of the true church of Christ. Through reading the Book of Mormon, praying for guidance, and my never ending questions, it is my testimony that this IS the true church of Christ. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet made by God for the restoration of His church, and that Jesus Christ is the living God, that died and rose for us to have the opportunity to be with God eternally. This I say in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 20:12:36 +0000

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