Hi people, we have found out that voting either yes or no might be - TopicsExpress


Hi people, we have found out that voting either yes or no might be a trap. This is based on increasing evidence that the UK is a registered corporation trading for profit and not a country as you and I were lead to believe, it is registered as the UNITED KINGDOM PLC. In order for us not to be deceived we have wrote to ministers asking for them if the people of Scotland will retain our sovereignty in the event of a yes vote, to date none have replied? We may be giving consent and our sovereignty away by voting for a CORPORATE SCOTLAND PLC. What people are rarely aware of is that we are already the Sovereign People of Scotland, as Christine Graham MSP was quoted as saying... if the people where to go out onto the streets tomorrow and declare their independence they would have it, and they done it their way we dont need parliament to allow our sovereign independence we already retain it. Do you notice how all the campaigners and politicians are desperate to get us to vote either way? After telling us they want us to vote yes or no? They need as much consent for their next level of corporate deceit. We need to get everyone aware of what they might be doing in the back ground. All the world is supposed to be controlled by the international banks and mechanisms, this is the problem, thats why the crashed the economy and everyone is affected but the elite classes. If we really want freedom, we need to have our own debt free currency system (who wouldnt invest in such a currency) before JFK was killed he signed Executive order 11110 giving control of the money supply to the treasury, Abe Lincoln also produced such a currency do you see the pattern.? This would expel the need for a private institution to rent the money to the people at interest. Both outcomes humanity knows only too well. The Bank of England is a private bank and we rent its monopoly IOU debt notes, we can never pay the debt because its never in the game to be able to pay. We have the chance to have our own currency debt free backed by the sweat and energy of we the people, Gaddafi was doing the same in his country, look what happened to him? But they cant do it to all our tribe, if we all decide what we want and not what the politicians tell us we can and cannot have. Once we have a debt free tradable currency, we can start mass employment projects, constructing what ever we want to build. This inturn will stimulate our economy, we can use the mathematically perfected economy (MPE) so we dont get sucked into the debt spiral of other economys. We can have a country with limitless energy supplies based on the humble hemp plant which scientifically proven can produce enough oil to power this wee country 4x over, the free byproducts from the plant will be used for 21st century building projects. The hemp plant is also one of the most nutritious food stuffs on the planet, rich in omega 3,6 and 9, amongst many more nutrients., it also has 50,000 other uses. This plant also revitalises the soil and would rid the industry of the cancer causing phosphate fertiliser industry. And as some of you may be aware of cannabis cures almost every disease or ailment known to man. This would open up vast research centres to cure the rest of the worlds toxic based disease. As our fuel cost would be nil, we can build all the systems that would feed poverty stricken nations, water de-salinisers and food growing systems to the 3rd world, when we can source enough oil from the hemp plant and stop desertification from the use of this wonder plant, we stop war. As you know war is always about oil and resources, we the people of Scotland will be able to give the world what they need to survive without stealing from each other. We also need to establish the rule of Law, where acts of parliament are on trial in the court rooms, as it stands in this country, the public servants who see themselves as rulers can make any rule and the public cant nullify it in the jury box as the jury cannot hear the whole case which is a mistrial and unlawful. The rules might be to tyrannical and its the juries duty to nullify bad legislation, this isnt possible in the system weve been tricked into adopting. This is vital to the democratic rights of we the people to keep government in its cage and stop them allowing private companies (local councils) from stealing peoples property and running fraud scams upon the populace. There are many more technologies around including but not limited to solar hydrogen power, where solar panels use free sunlight to split water, then store the hydrogen for use in cars homes ect, medical grade oxygen will be used for cleansing our bodies. The hydrogen can be stored for winter then converted back to water through a fuel cell which will supply us with electricity? A closed loop system with no harmful by products? We will also install country wide new food growing mechanisms so we will have abundant fruits, vegs, herbs and fish. This we can use at almost no cost to the pocket for cleansing our bodies as evidence is showing we can cure every disease with juicing regimes. We will have an abundance of food and fuel , technology sectors that will transform the world, rid ourselves of war and poverty forever, then the world could attain true freedom, but we need to light the way all of us together, there will be no need for politics in the future, as we will no longer have to pay the machine/bankers/government, we will work for each other without the greedy middle men getting involved and scamming the peoples of this earth. Once we lift the fog, cure ourselves, rid our lives of fear and stress what do you think is possible? This is only what I want my future for my child to be? Imagine what will happen when we all think clearly about a possible new future? All this and more is possible, Hitler through the money supplied from the Bush family put 6 million people back to work in 2 years and rebuilt Germany anew. The west had ravaged it after the 1st world war, folks were dying of famine (which isnt far away for us btw) what if the people who are renowned through the world for freedom, used a debt free money supply and built this country anew with a new clean disease free work force? And we done it all for peace and FREEDOM and not war and sacrifice, there doesnt have to be another war ever? We would show the world again what the Scots are made of -changing the world, the Scots will do what we were built for, We will build ourselves to freedom and in turn free the world from the ruling class, famine and war forever. Peace. Please come along to our talk at the Antonine Hotel in Falkirk at 7:30pm Thursday 28th August, 2014. We have a lot to discuss, and would love to see people joining in with the new future that is within our grasp.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:33:19 +0000

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