Hi, so i wrote sonething that i wanna share with u guys hope u - TopicsExpress


Hi, so i wrote sonething that i wanna share with u guys hope u like it and yea sorry its long but plz read its good :) So i feel like saying something again, something good. I am tired so hope it turns out good and readable :)so i realized there r many topics i could pick 2 talk about, and some of these i have discussed b 4, but its been a while and tonights topic i wanna say is still about jugding ppl. It will mostlikely b long but i hope u read it all and enjoy :) Do u realize and c how everyday ppl r judging? Yes its true everyday everywhere it happens. U know that saying dont judge a book by its cover, well guess wat we all do it... even when shopping let me tell u something that i have realized and maybe u will realize too. Dont judge a book by its cover We do this while shopping too U know that can of soup u want of but wait that can is dented lets change it 4 another. Or like that box of ceral u want oh but wait that box is damaged i dont want a damaged box i want a good looking one let me put it back and get a good one. Or frozen meals, u reach 4 the one u want but wait that box its its deformed, it looks weird lets get a different one. Still cant c a connection? Ok a comic book, oh that one has a wrinkle i dont want it, no way someone wrote in my book i dont want it. That action figure u c at the thrift store there isnt anything wrong it, it just needs some tlc, and maybe all u need 2 do is put a new screw in it 2 fix it but no its broken u dont want a broken toy. Anyone c a connection yet? No, really?! Ok then let me help u a bit more then, and now u will get it. Lets think about it this way that dented can u didnt want cuz it has a dent was there really anything wrong with it no, it just didnt look good, it didnt look normal now lets look at a person who lets say is wheelchair bound, r u going 2 just look at them and say no? No u help them, or at least i hope u r nice 2 them. That box of ceral u didnt want cuz the box is damaged is like a disabled kid u r just putting them 2 the side 4 something else. Grow up. And yes it happens, in life. I am a bit in a way disabled yes, i look different has that stopped me from doing wat i love no, my back it sticks out someone calls it a hump, i think of it like the hunch back of norte dame, yes i kinda in a way am like that i am different in school yes i have been pushed 2 the side cuz ppl didnt like me. Still say oh u r shopping those r just objects well ok i have a few more. That frozen meal u didnt want cuz it too was damaged well that is like soneones personality they r old, and mean, or well they appear old and mean r they really no! They r nice and kind, they r mean cuz ppl also saw them as mean and never took the time 2 show that person kindness. That book i used as an example cuz it was written in is like a person with tattoos, u dont want the book, yet u dont like ppls tattoos y? Oh i c cuz they have tattoos they r badass and shit right wrong, try again. U r judging them by their tattoos that doesnt define a person, u need 2 look past that 2 their heart. And u will realize they r nice. One more, the broken action figure we didnt want cuz its broken is like not wanting or well not accepting a person b cuz they r too skinny,too fat, have a bone that sticks out, they cant walk right or something. We dont know how 2 accecpt things that r different. When i am shopping i dont mind buying a dented can, or a damaged box the conents r the same as the normal boxes. I dont put it 2 the side i keep it. Just like how i dont put ppl 2 the side either, i accecpt them 4 who they r. Dont look at someone and b like oh they have tattoos, or they r old so they must b cranky, or aw she is so sweet and pretty, no no no u r judging them still, wat is on the outside is an act. Ppl show u one thing, their cover they show u their true colors u turn away u dont like, well stop cuz u r rude. Stop judging ppl by their appearance, and start loving them 4 who they really r. I love u, and sorry this was super long but hope u read it all and liked it :) ~staystrong
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 07:27:16 +0000

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