Hi there, its Michael. I just had Atos turn up an hour early, - TopicsExpress


Hi there, its Michael. I just had Atos turn up an hour early, ringing my bell continuously. I call Atos and informed Ryan that the Atos guy is ringing my bell when Ive already told you he needs to use the code to get in but shouldnt need that because my friend has arranged to be here at the specified time to let the Atos Doctor in at 3pm not 2pm Oh I forgot to tell him that, whats the code?. I can give you but I said but he cant carry out the interview without someone here, as Ive already said and my witness will be here in 45 mins. I just need him to go and come back. At this point my bedroom door opens and its the same Atos doctor that would not even look at the letter sent from Lynne Featherstone copied in to me and Ian Duncan Smith to the CEO of Atos. Stating that I need it recorded as Im on so much medication specifically high dosage of morphine and to process this claim quickly. I said to the Doctor youre are early again, last time 3 hours early and this time an hour early and my witness wasnt here to let you in. I wasnt 3 hours early last time and today appointment is for 2pm. He curtly stated. Dont argue you with me, you came at 9am last time for a 1pm appointment and youre here before my friend is here to let you in and all the alarms are set off. You need to go and come back in 45 mins when Im not laying here on my own arguing with you . I called Atos immediately and complained that I do not want that man in my house again and I need to be assessed by a doctor that hadnt forgotten how to care. I recorded the way he spoke to me and its disgusting, if I was well Id have jumped up off my bed and ripped his f***ing head off. Ryan said he would sort it in an hour. Over an hour had passed so I called up to find out what was going on as he said he would try to find a new Doctor and recording device for another day but now said that Atos are handing my case back to the SPV. SPV Service Personal Veterans agency. They will decide if they need Atos to assess or can continue with my claim assessment without Atos input. So Ive called my MP and SPV to follow and provide as much documentation as possible to continue my claim with them direct. Bit of a long message but thats it in a nutshell. xxx
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 15:49:34 +0000

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