Hi, this is The Rogue Meteorologist, owner of The Weather Space. - TopicsExpress


Hi, this is The Rogue Meteorologist, owner of The Weather Space. I am also a moderator on this page if I need to be. I have 18 years experience in forecasting weather. Andrew has much less, but that does not mean some of the comments Ive seen on here are anywhere near okay on his previous forecast post. He has a passion for weather. Granted the headline may be a bit over the top, it does not mean the comments in here bashing him are needed. Andrew is part of the network. While he is not officially with TheWeatherSpace, he is on my network servers. I provide these for him to continue growing his site. When I had only 5 years experience I made busts as well. It happens. You get better as you grow older with experience in this field. Experience does not equal a degree either. There are plenty of computer programmers hired from expos by big top of the line companies like Microsoft and Apple that do not have degrees. Hey even the FBI hires these computer programmers and hackers. Degrees do not mean someone does not know what they are doing ... experience and passion + drive is what makes someone good at their game. Andrew will get this with each passing year. But for him to come to me last week to say he thought of quitting because of the comments angered me. I am stomped on in this field because I am good at what I do and I do it all without a piece of paper called a degree. I make a living off forecasting weather on my site and for various clients, including energy companies. The jealous/envious TV/Media/Commercial meteorologists hate me for this very reason and yes Ive called a few stations if I saw them post about me on their pages and settled that down. No need for that drama in this business. I convinced him to stick around through thick and thin and to continue developing his website. He reminds me a lot about me at that age and I wish him the best of luck and to succeed in this field ... No one should ever tell you that you arent any good ... You have a finish line to cross ... Even if you have to crawl to that finish line while people are throwing obstacles in your way your goal is to finish the race you started ... Hell update you on the storm, but from what I can see it is a split system ... a northern slider which means that his map may very well be correct in his previous article ... it just in no way resembles a March 1993 pattern. That storm came from the gulf and went straight north-northeast from there ... this will likely develop over TN or so and move east-northeast from there ... bringing heavy snow across his red shaded zones ... His forecast map is here - northeastusweather/2014/03/07/a-potentially-significant-winter-storm-could-impact-many-across-the-northeast-march-1993-storm-characteristics/ And before commenting realize he is someone that will grow into this profession and that he has the spark to get better with age ... ... like a good wine , right? And thank you for those who stick up for him ... Goodnight - KM
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 02:23:18 +0000

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