Hi ya Peeps - how are you all doing? Im poopdewhooped! Busy - TopicsExpress


Hi ya Peeps - how are you all doing? Im poopdewhooped! Busy day haring here there and everywhere and without The Man here to help out, its been full on! But in a good way really... Took Wee Man to see his Paediatrician this morning. Shes retiring in December so this was our last visit to see her. He always gets very agitated when were heading to the hospital - he asks repeatedly about why were going, will he have to have a blood test, will he have to have injections, what will he have to do...hes an anxious little ball of worry on the way there. So I just keep saying the same things, backed up by a visual prompt, all the way there. He doesnt respond or give me any idea that hes taking in what Im saying. So I just talk to myself...no change there really. Then. The second we walk through the door, out comes my Wee Warbling Man; chatting to anyone and everyone; telling them hes here to see Dr Red (not her real name) because shes not going to be working any more because shes really old and wants to spend time with her family before she dies (that was NOT in the story I told him); and so he has come to say goodbye; and why havent you taken down that poster of the injection, you KNOW it scared me last time and I asked for you to take it down but its still there, why is it still there WHY?? Deep breath....Why do you have to weigh me? If I breath in really hard and make my tummy bigger do I weight more? But why not, I look fatter why dont I get heavier? And why cant I keep my shoes on when youre measuring how tall I am cos I wear my shoes all the time so thats how tall I really am. And by the way Im six years old now, did you know that? When youre six years old you can do stuff like go to the cinema but not to see Gonzilla (thats another story) because you cant watch Gonzilla when youre six only when youre older than six I cant remember how many years Mummy said I had to have before I can watch Gonzilla but its not six. Mummy how many years for Gonzilla? What? Who me? Am I still here?! I will never, ever, ever complain or wish to change my boys use of his speech and language. Never. We are supremely lucky that he has this ability. In fact, I am often in awe of it. He goes from being so locked away and quiet and worried, to this steam train of questions and statements, and occasionally slightly embarrassing observations, in a matter of seconds. I know this is one of the ways he deals with his anxieties, but its also how he interacts with and finds out about the world around him. As for the appointment with Dr Red when we finally got in there (all that above happened in the reception area with the receptionist and the nurse!), well, it was more of the same but finished off with Wee Man giving Dr Red a most unexpected, unprompted and really quite lovely cuddle, rendering her and I both speechless...while he dashed outside to interrogate the nurses again! #WeDontSayGod
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 21:45:49 +0000

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