Hi yall! Hwuduin! I have an advice to share with you and as usual - TopicsExpress


Hi yall! Hwuduin! I have an advice to share with you and as usual ill enjoin you to follow it closely because it might relate to what you are currently facing or what youll probably face in the nearest future. PREPARATION AND ANTICIPATION are two major ways to overcoming temptation,the truth is temptation,unlike other vices,is something you will probably experience at anytime especially when you least expect. You probably wont see it coming,it will just hit you all of a sudden and at that moment you are obligated to make either of these two choices-1.to cave in to the temptation 2.to stand strong against it. Jesus Christ makes this really clear in matthew 26:41-watch and pray,that ye enter not into temptation:for the spirit indeed is willing,but the flesh is weak. This verse points out an important need-to-know to everyone and that need-to-know is your flesh will always want to do that which is contrary to the will of God and will continually try to pull you back into the mud when you do make real efforts to get it right with God but in the place of prayer,revelation on how,when,and the manner the temptation will come will be made known unto you.heres another interesting verse that reveals an astonishing truth-ephesians 5:24-and they that are christs have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. You have to acknowledge this truth,believe it,and walk in the consciousness of it to get the manifestation of it. 2peter 2:9a-The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations. If truly you have decided to fear God and obey his commandments diligently,then he will always make a way of escape for you BUT,its now left to you to follow that way or ignore it. For me,the surest way to always be the victor and not the vanquished lies within this next verse-ephesians 5:16-This i say then,walk in the spirit,AND YE SHALL NOT FULFILL THE LUST OF THE FLESH. Bottomline,its the holyspirit that will make you not fulfil the lustful desires that will be impressed in your mind, forget what anybody might have made you believe and have this in your mind-he is in you! John7:38a But this spake he of the spirit,which they that believe on him should receive. Talk to him like youll talk to a friend,seek his guidance and counsel,remember he is holy and so wont want to hang out in an unholy temple(your body in this case is the temple). Finally,its much easier to place temptation under subjection when you are quick to sense the temptation and nip it in the bud before it even gains access to your mind than to struggle to chase it out when it gains access to your mind
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 18:28:46 +0000

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