Hid my id last yer april i fell in a reltnshp with a girl of my - TopicsExpress


Hid my id last yer april i fell in a reltnshp with a girl of my same chrch(SDA) our reltnshp has bin fyn till diz yer in april aftr i took her home th 1st tym to introduce her to my parents and my uncles because we agrid that we shud get marid soon.aftr 3 wiks i took her home sh startd to kip quite no sms or calin,whn i cal her sh wud tel me that sh dosnt hv airtym until aftr somtyms she told me that she dosnt luv me animore.i trid to talk to her on 4ne bt all my efforts beared no fruits as we wer nt stayn in th same area.sh refused that i shud cum to their place and talk to her.i gave up coz sh was nt respondin to my sms and my cals.all diz things hapen in may diz yer,i was heartbroken for th past three months.now this month(july) sh startd to talk to me and yestrdai sh just broke up wth news that she is sory,sh stil luv me and sh want me bac but sh is in a rltnship with a non adventist and sh even work for him..now sh want my opinions and my help because sh said sh want to break with th guy but sh dosnt want to hurt him lyk sh did wth me.again myself this month i met another girl frm my church.bt now i dont know what to do because my ex awaken my feelings for her coz we hav history together bt i dont want to hurt th current girl i hv now..what shud i do? Plz post this in your wall so that readers and u can advice me
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 10:18:40 +0000

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