Hidden cameras reveal Obamacare Fraud. Committed to lies on - TopicsExpress


Hidden cameras reveal Obamacare Fraud. Committed to lies on applications and admitting they are committed by the Democratic National committee DNC to turn the State of Texas Blue. Read. Then click to see the hidden camera video. This is the truth about your President and the DNC. It may be Candid Camera bits its not a laughing matter. Videographer James OKeefe has released a new undercover investigation that focuses on navigators who are helping Americans sign up for Obamacare, releasing a video that shows government workers advising clients to lie, ignore procedures, and evade legal requirements when signing up for healthcare. OKeefes claims to fame include a video that helped bring down ACORN, a community organizing group for which President Barack Obama worked when he was a lawyer, and making videos exposing NPRs Ron Schiller courting a pro-Muslim group by disparaging Christians, Jews, Republicans, and the tea party. This time around, The National Review reports, OKeefes undercover investigators aimed at a Texas navigator site run by the National Urban League, which was paid $376,000 by the federal government for its Obamacare outreach. One of OKeefes Project Veritas workers posed as a person seeking healthcare who tells the navigator that sometimes he smokes. You lie, because your premiums will be higher, the navigator tells him. Dont tell them that. Dont tell em. In another case, OKeefes undercover investigator poses as a low-income university worker with unreported cash income on the side. The navigator tells him, Dont get yourself in trouble by declaring it now, while another one says never report it. OKeefes crew also visited Enroll America, a nonprofit with a grass-roots campaign to help people sign up for insurance. While Daniel Clayton of Enroll America says the group is purely nonprofit; its not partisan, nonpolitical, at a speaking engagement the group is described as being the official group for the Democratic National Committee. Enroll America, OKeefe reported, is working with a political group, Battleground Texas, which is prohibited. OKeefe said the current video will not be his last, with upcoming videos exposing more aspects of the navigator program, including how many navigators were hired without background checks. In addition, some of the navigators are working for Local 100 United Labor Unions, which is run by ACORN founder Wade Rathke, The National Review reports. OKeefes videos are sparking calls for the government to immediately stop the navigator program, The Dallas Morning News reports. Were seeing reports that navigators are encouraging the people they are supposed to help to lie, Republican Texas Sen. John Cornyn said. This behavior is unacceptable and is yet another broken piece of a deeply flawed system.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 16:25:28 +0000

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