Hide In Plain Sight It is an unpopular truth, but truth - TopicsExpress


Hide In Plain Sight It is an unpopular truth, but truth nevertheless, that Christians are sinners.Sinners saved by grace, but sinners nevertheless. We all start out that way. We are all born with that congenital heart condition called sin . Some babies are born with tetralogy of Fallot, some with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, some with patent ductus arteriosus, patent foramen ovale. All of these are serious, most are treatable, but every baby born is born with the heart condition of sin from our first parents. Who sinned against God. When the serpent convinced Eve that she could be like God, knowing good and evil if she ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Eve fell for his trickery, but the sin of Adam was much more severe because he should have not so willingly followed along. The man is supposed to be the head of the family and he should have refused to eat of the fruit, but whats done is done. Eve was tricked, dont get me wrong, this does not excuse her in any way, shape or form, but Adam was held more responsible because he simply followed along. It took me a while to grasp this but it eventually clicked. But that is not the point here. When this happened, the eyes of both Adam and Eve were opened and all of a sudden they were very aware of many things, but most of all their nakedness. So they threw together his-and-hers fig leaf ensembles ( this was long before Project Runway) and covered themselves (Genesis 3:7). Both Adam and Eve enjoyed unbridled fellowship with the Lord up until this moment. I dont know about you but I can only imagine what that would be like. And to think they traded the truth for a lie, as many do unfortunately. (Romans 1:25) Sure sin looks like it is fun and exciting but the fun and appeal wears off fast. Then sin shows itself for the brutal taskmaster that it truly is. But what sin also does is induce fear. And not the fear we should have which is the fear of God. Sin instills in us the fear of what we look like to others, to ourselves but most of all, to God. Sin in the life of a Christian puts the focus on self and off of God and this is not good. We who call ourselves Christian need to be focused on God at all times. Sin did this very thing to Adam and Eve. They who once freely fellowshipped with God, who knew nothing whatsoever of fear... were suddenly afraid. And they did what many do when they have sinned, They ran and hid from God. When we as Christians have the abject freedom to run TO Him for forgiveness, how often do we run from Him in fear? This is not only unnecessary , it is bloody shameful. This is precisely what Adam and Eve did. Genesis 3:8 They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But they were fooling themselves if they thought they could hide from God. In verse 9 God called out to Adam, Where are you? but He knew full well where Adam was, both physically as well as spiritually. He was, rather, asking Adam if HE knew where he was. Most likely not. He thought he was hiding from God, but he was hiding in plain sight. And Adam and Eve were not in a good place. Not a good place at all. And the ripple effect of that first foray into sin ripples into our lives today. (Numbers 14:18) But God. He encourages us to come out of hiding and confess, for He is willing to make us clean. I mean, look at the lengths He went to so we could be reconciled to Himself. Who are we to not run to Him and receive forgiveness? We dont need to hide in plain sight. We need to come out into the open and bask in the freedom of forgiveness. ~God loves you and so do I~
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 03:30:31 +0000

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