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Hide story Masiyiwa Nicholas with Mdc T Zimbabwe and 19 others BHORA MUGEDHI UPDATE Zimbabwe continues to slide back into “extinction” following the controversial election that took place about a year ago. The Zanu government has shown ignorance in what is happening, with their President not even getting moved an inch by the need to address the current socio-economic challenges facing the nation. His lack of action has shown us that he now lacks the energy to steer the economy, in a positive direction, which has now outweighed his outwitted manipulation reminiscent of past years. Notably is the closure of companies which has continued unchecked, with the very Minister of Industry Mike Bimha having lost compass of where the country is and where it should taken to, in terms of industrial performance. I am told an average 450 companies are closing down every month in what can be defined as “failure of the century by Zanu government.” Thousands of jobs have been lost and this phenomenon has no prospects of ending in the near future, except if the so much talked about negotiations with the MDC becomes a reality. Otherwise, with Zanu alone, the country is doomed. Chinotimba, the partially schooled Buhera Nikuv MP, recently charged that some of these Ministers have powerful CVs yet there is nothing practical or tangible to show for it, in direct reference to Mike Bimha whose industry ministry is probably the worst performing at the moment under ZimAsset. Many companies are downsizing rendering thousands jobless, above the already world record of over 90% unemployment rate. Mugabe must now work up as a matter of urgency and say something at least. We know he won’t do much about it, but just a word maybe some confidence will be ignited back into the economy. Work up mudhara and address the nation. Vanhu varikuda maanswers with regard to the current fall of the economy. Major companies that have retrenched so far include platinum miners Zimplats and Unki as well as Bindura Nickel, Spar supermarkets, Dairiboard, Cairns, Olivine Industries and PG Industries. Some are threatening closure, the likes of Murowa Diamonds and RioZim. This downsizing or closure goes with thousands of jobs to the jobless queue which is now almost nearing 95%. The Zanu’s much-touted ZimAsset economic blueprint has failed to reverse the slide with some within the Zanu administration saying the programme should be given more time; Mujuru indicating some over 40 years needed to get it running. Zanu is busy poking its nose wanting to be in control, instead of ensuring a favourable environment was in place for businesses to thrive. Not a single investor will be attracted by such an ill-advised economic blueprint that has no support and a back-up base for real economic transformation. Everyone knows that it is mere political rhetoric lacking real economic value. Everyone knows that the ZimAsset ideology is a Zanu’s last kick after several failed policies that only resulted in a few Zanu sympathisers benefiting after so much marketing of the same as meant to benefiting the economy in particular, and majority of Zimbabweans in general. Investors have now developed a wait and see attitude towards anything that has Zanu footprints in it. These are some of the reasons why that programme will only die a painful death (or its already dead) the same way did the preceding programmes under Zanu. Real economic blueprints (e.g. JUICE) are in the hands of the MDCT led by Dr Morgan Tsvangirai. This was proved by the recent call from Zanus Rugare Gumbo to engage the MDCT in negotiations for probably a second GNU. MDCT has practical economic plans meant for sustainable economic growth with real back-up and funding and support initiatives that focuses on nation building and emancipation of a democratic nation. The MDCT is waking up to real politics towards democracy and real economic development in Zimbabwe. Zanu is cognisant of the fact that they knew how to rig the elections but could definitely not be able to rig the economy. In their survival tactics they simply targeted game changers like the Army hierarchy, disenfranchising the external vote, ignoring the elitist urban vote, as in 1980 locking down the rural vote by vividly upping the fear factor. Those were excellent political survival tactics, no dispute about that, but where are the promises which were put ahead of campaigns, e.g. the 2,2million jobs?
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 07:39:21 +0000

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