Hiding A basic principle of healing is to be engaged in life and - TopicsExpress


Hiding A basic principle of healing is to be engaged in life and not hiding from life. As we have discussed many times, going on a spiritual retreat, going to the cave, having a little down time, going to nature to restore and other like intention healing times are not running away from life. They are running towards life. However, this principle gets lost or mistranslated in real life often. Health is adaptable. Adaptability is a key trait of both physical and spiritual health. Running away and hiding from the world is not an effective adaptation. In fact, running away and isolating yourself is the worst activity one can do in the healing process. There is nothing worse for your shadow side or ego or monkey mind then to be alone or isolated. It is only going to feed the fears, worries, irrational thoughts and other stories people have told themselves. During times of stress and testing, make sure you are engaged in life. It is a measure of how adaptable you are and how much you have grown on all levels. Work stress, divorce, career changes, times of depression, times when disease comes to your door, major life stages and all big changes test us on our resilience. You do not build resilience sitting at home alone from the world. Of course we have times where we set an intent for healing, such as a spiritual retreat, vision quest, some quiet time or the like. These are important, but they are active changes with an intent on healing. Although it seems like a good idea to run and hide to bury your head in the sand, it always back fires in the end. Sitting in a house with just your thoughts is a dangerous thing The shadow grows and is fed by thoughts. Be adaptable. Divorce and disease and family stress is challenging. It test our spiritual flexibility and strength. That in itself is good. It represents a growing challenge. All life is constant growth. If you are not growing, then you are stagnating. Also do not fall into the victim role. Every day I see people still falling into the my disease is the worst ever, I have it the worst ever above anyone, etc. This is a huge trap and just shows a strong ego attachment to the disease itself. It is the opposite of a healing mindset. In fact, some people often get upset when you point out the fact things are not that bad compared to many others you have seen. Whenever it shows up, it is a bad prognosis indicator. Often times people will just go find someone who says, you are the worst, you have it worse then anyone else, etc. I have seen some life stories and diseases that are so horrible beyond imagination. The level of suffering. Someone always has more stress or worse suffering, no need to make a contest. This way of thinking is hiding also. People hide behind the idea it is the worst, therefore impossible to heal. Then, like all hiding, the thoughts and shadow gets attached to the idea. Often times when someone says it is possible to help, they run away or get upset. It is a delicate tai chi practitioners and friends have to go through often. Something that I have seen a lot lately, so wanted to post. I wish I had more time in session to have these lengthy discussion with people. Some clients are more open to these discussions, others are not. That is okay to, because everyone is unique.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 14:53:05 +0000

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