Hier is vir Jou so ietsie alreeds om te verwag van 2015 the - TopicsExpress


Hier is vir Jou so ietsie alreeds om te verwag van 2015 the year 2014 was a great year in the calendar of events towards the liberation of black people in south africa, africa and the world. september national imbizo (sni) celebrates these developments and urges our people here and abroad to continue with the struggle for the emancipation of black people till blacks are allowed to breath freely and not anticipate bullets against their bodies for no reason other than that we are black. we witness with great jubilation the march of the economic freedom fighters (eff) to the colonial, racist, compradorial national assembly in south africa. we salute eff for refused to bow to reaction and to the indignity of empty platitudes and dishonour of politicians who insist on being called “honourable” when there is no honour about ruling for 20 years in the interests of the oppressor. the dishonorable members who have imposed on our people landlesness, joblessness and the dishonor of poverty and violence of exclusion from the economic benefits that comes from the riches of our land. 0 there is nothing honourable about the south african parliament! only eff has brought honour to the house by asking the right questions and by adopting the correct attitude. the arrival of red overalls in the national assembly shall forever be etched in the psyche of our people and be celebrated by the millions who have been rendered a powerless majority by the anc. the millions who have been rendered landless in their own country now raise their voices with the eff and shout asijiki! 2014 was the year of #paybackthemoney! a simple slogan that demands accountability and clean government. this slogan is against corruption and is for upholding of the seventh cardinal pillar of the eff that demands an end to corruption. it’s a pillar that seeks to turn the state into the instrument that serves the people instead of serving the politicians. 2015 must be the year of #zumamustgo! the people of our land can no longer defer to parliamentary committees and courts of law to expedite this call. zuma refuses to account, refuses to pay back the MONEY, zuma defies the courts and the constitution of the land upon which he has sworn to serve. 2019 is too far, the people want justice now! sni joins the call that #zumamustgo! at the same time we will agitate for the extension of that call to #bothzumaandancmustgo within the historical frame-work of “21 years is enough!”. this will be in line with what we have been saying all along, “the problem is not who leads the anc, the problem is the anc!” 0 eff emerged from its historic national peoples assembly with two clear resolutions: land occupations and blockading certain mines. sni supports the call for land occupations and our birth right. we call on our people to occupy all the land not just municipality land. our people must take the land that is held by white farmers, our people must not wait for goverment but must go back to the lands they were removed from! 0 sni supports the occupation of mines by our people and mine workers. but we say focus on white-owned mines. focus on the mines owned by the two white men who have wealth that is more than 26 million of us. the enemy remains white monopoly capital. we must mobilise our forces of revolution against white-owned mines and enterprises. the main enemy remains nicky oppenheimer and johan rupert! we must not focus on the body guards only, we must go for their master too. we must not be seen to be enacting a black on black violence. in 2015 let’s focus our attention again on white monopoly capital. our people are ready! sni congratulates and is inspired by our people who have started land occupations in 2014. sni salutes the brave people of malemaville! sni salutes the resolute people of dali mpofu view! we say you have set a brilliant example and you have inspired us all! in 2015 we carry forward the mandate of land occupations, in our villages, on white-owned farms, on municipality land. all of the land in south africa belongs to the people! all of the land in south africa is stolen property! sni rejects the liberal and racist media for calling land occupations “land grabs”. land occupations is correcting the colonial and apartheid land grabs. we are simply re-occupying that which belongs to us! sni echoes the magnificent voice of eff and says, “land occupations now!” our people are ready! 0 2014 saw the people of burkina faso rise after 27 years of oppression. the brave people oppressed for that long rose as one and declared: thomas sankara lives!!! their voices rose to the black heavens and hell fire descended upon the house of parliament which served as the stock exchange of lies and deceit. the parliament that hid the truth about who murdered thomas sankara and why? the people burnt it down with all the evil it covered and the dishonour it brought to the land of the upright people of our brother, father and leader thomas sankara. we remember the sankara oath (bodedolu/thomas-sankara-oath-politicians-public-servants/#sthash.ui1ksilh.dpbs), we remember the people’s manifesto (newfranktalk.bookslive.co.za/blog/2011/04/20/the-peoples-manifesto/) and 2015 is the year we escalate our efforts to educate one another and the sa public about the sankara oath so that a new government that puts people first can emerge. Screen shot 2014-12-31 at 5.04.04 PM the 2016 local goverment elections must be fought on the sankara oath. we can’t allow local goverments to become places of excessive perks, corruption and theft in service of white monopoly capital while the people suffer! we must insist! serve the people first! we salute the great burkinabe’ people for chasing out of office the rogue and murderer blaise compaore who murdered our brother thomas sankara to serve imperialism and white supremacy. we call on the people of burkina faso to demand without delay the implementation of the programmes of thomas sankara! don’t wait for elections! don’t wait for politicians! you have waited for too long already! sni salutes the young people of burkina faso, the revolutionary artists, rappers, poets and singers who keep the name and example of thomas sankara alive! we draw inspiration from you! we echo your voices, liberty or death! 0 2014 saw the explosion of brilliant black resistance in the usa! first in ferguson, then in the whole nation with the cry #wecantbreathe! this cry has become the galvanising clarion call for blacks for freedom! slavery has never ended in the usa. black people are on a daily basis faced with death and destruction from a state that prides itself on being the home of the free. black people in the usa are governed not by laws but by bullets! the sad thing is this genocidal life has been normalised. the victim has been projected as the source of violence and the whole world looks the other way. sni notes with great sorrow how the movements and goverments in the african continent have up to now turned a blind eye to the systematic oppressions and terrorism against black people in the usa. the silence of all these movements and political parties about the conditions of black people in the usa shows that these movements themselves are colonised by anti-blackness. our silence in the african continent has de facto made us accomplices to the ongoing genocide against black people in the usa. this is a betrayal of our collective responsibility towards black people in the world. we refuse to forget how some africans had helped the slave catchers. we must refuse to allow our silence to again betray black people in the usa. there is no excuse! african movements and political parties have always engaged in acts of solidarity with oppressed peoples of the world. why not black people? is it because we can’t see the suffering of those who look like us? is it because we hate ourselves that much? or is it because we have accepted the white man’s lie and believe oppression is freedom because it comes from the white house? 0 in 2015 we break our silence. in 2015 we shout from under the suffocating weight of the whole evil usa that is strangling us denying us the right to breath god’s oxygen. we shout with the millions in usa that #wecantbreath! we shout till the evil grip on our collective wind pipe is freed and our necks are left alone and our lungs allowed the free flow of air. we want to breath! sni salutes and celebrates the resistance for black liberation and life across the usa. we are inspired and wish to add our weight behind the brilliant radiation of black resistance that confirms black is beautiful. we affirm the right to self defence by black people, here in occupied azania and in the usa, to use any means necessary to defend and free themselves. we echo malcolm x! whoever touches us must pay! 0 we note the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between the evil empire the usa and the revolutionary island of cuba. we celebrate and salute the steadfast revolutionary internationalism of cuba in refusing to surrender our beloved warrior leader sista assata shakur. we are reassured that cuba shall remain the refuge for liberation fighters and the country of peace and freedom so hard fought by its people and ably led by the selfless sons of jose marti, the bearded brothers fidel castro and che guevarra. assata shakur is not a criminal. shakur is a freedom fighter against the criminal government of the usa! assata doesn’t belong in jail. she like her people, like us, must be allowed to breath the air of god. we salute cuba for the great example it sets as a revolutionary government. black life continues to be cheap here in south africa and in the world. anti-black racism is suffocating black people everywhere on earth. in 2014 we stood up more! we stood up to join the resistance that never stopped since slavery. we are not protected by laws or governments anywhere on earth. we continue to be colonised, stolen from and be murdered with impunity. 0 we note the case of our brother mike steinbank in south africa and the legalised theft of his property and creation. we are angered by his victimisation by the south african court system. we are energised and inspired by the young people who have screamed: #justiceformike! in 2015 let all freedom loving people join in. we oppose the imminent jailing of mike steinbank for speaking the truth in court. the sa courts, like parliament, have banned any black truths. we are gagged! we call on our people in 2015 to declare it the year of loving black people! yes we deserve love too after so many years of hate and hurt. we proclaim with rage that #weloveblacks! we know to live and to love we must fight! in 2015 take care of each other, take care of the revolution. vuka darkie coz ’94 changed fokol. we remain the ones we have been waiting for! issued by the september national imbizo 31 december 2014 rirhandzu baloyi (leader) cell: +27 71 444 7473 mail: rlbaloyi@gmail
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 13:05:58 +0000

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