Hierarchy in the family of cats is categorically dispersed, based - TopicsExpress


Hierarchy in the family of cats is categorically dispersed, based on the power of each ones vocal emission and physical strength. Not all members of this feared group has in itself the vibrational power of a roar. At the very bottom of this order is the house cat--having only the cute whispers of a meow, which, plus his small size, makes him the disdained cousin. Top predator, and most feared cat, is the lion--with a kingly garb and a strong voice to match. The larynx of this member of the family was designed to give vent to the deep and powerfully distinct vibrational release, called a roar. Using this vocal emission, he inspires fear and calls members of the proverbial animal kingdom to caution--in their place; prey and predator. His ancestor, a type of mountain lion, was greater in size and power. Nature would have him inherit of the vocal and physical strength, but not the actual size of this progenitor. His build still affords him the ranking of top cat. Do you not think it fruitless and unwise that any member of this family--from the house cat to the lion--should hold any form of resentment for what hand Nature dealt them? Isnt it plain folly that one harbour envy for the others position in the hierarchy? Time and time again, the leopard may overstep his boundaries, by trying to measure up to a lion, or defeat him in a fight; he soon realizes that the power of a roar is overwhelming, nothing his cat-like screeches can stand. Even the panther, sometimes, must pay homage to their superior cousin. The only creature with an equal footing to challenge a lion in hand to hand combat is another lion. And at this stage, hierarchy still exists, as a greater display of power sends the defeated lion out of the pride....or, his life is forfeited. Over here, among us two-legged humans, there exists a similar categorization. Man is, at this level, the completeness of everything Nature has birthed. All that we see in wildlife has direct or indirect relational representation with us. We are at the top of the foodchain, and superior in every way. What we do not attain for physical limitations, our vast amplitude of mental abilities constructs, giving us the upper hand. Yet, the same baseness remains in us. Civilization cannot destroy Natures own design, neither can education--no matter what level of it--totally eradicate the animal-like tendencies latent in each human person. The animal within makes us human. And the brute we fight is really the foundation on which our humanity stands. Try to distinguish yourself all you want, you are an active part of Nature. And this hierarchical categorization--suppression, oppression, submission, and rebellion--is weaved into the very fabric of man. We are driven by hunger and lusts--perhaps of different things, which we deem more noble. That need for physical appeasement remains in us. We all must embrace who and what we are for our individual wholeness, and to bring an end to the personal strife inside of us. Each man has many faces and combating sides. Each man seeks to ascend the human hierarchy of superiority and order. But we can not all be lions in the pride. If you are a house cat, value your position and build on it. We all have individual roles to play in Natures grand design. You may or may not break through the boundaries, enjoy your stay all the same.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 07:45:11 +0000

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