High School friend Vanessa Jones Enoch was (IMO: Wrongfully) - TopicsExpress


High School friend Vanessa Jones Enoch was (IMO: Wrongfully) Arrested while at the courthouse as she is chronicling the events of Judge Hunters trial as part of her Ph.D. experience. Read her story + Watch the video & see if it makes any sense to you as it doesnt to me. #RiseUP I was arrested for having my iPad in the hallway of the courthouse. Mind you that there are no laws prohibiting the use of an iPad in the hallways of the court. But, I was arrested for simply being there. Sadly, this is the same thing that Judge Hunter is being subjected to. I put my iPad away when the deputies said I could not have it open in the hall. You will see in the video that I was walking down the hall on my way out of the court after waiting for my friend and unsuccessfully looking for the restroom and was called back by a deputy who commenced to taking my iPad and searching for video. There were incidentally no signs in the hallway precluding the use of devices in the hall. Only on the door of the courtroom saying electronic devices werent permitted in that courtroom and a bailiff telling us that we couldnt use devices in the courtroom, but would need to step outside if we needed to use them. There were about 20 other people in the hall with their iPads out taking pictures. Although the officer illegally searched my iPad without a warrant and saw that I had no video, he still arrested me and Avery Corbin for recording videos. It seemed his only motive was to determine my identity and to harass me for being there. I was put in handcuffs, never read my Miranda rights, and made to sit in the Sheriffs office for an hour while not being allowed to go to the restroom and not being told why I was being held. I was ultimately charged with disorderly conduct and failure to comply with a court rule concerning no electronic devices in the courtroom. It is sad that I would be subjected to such awful treatment just for being there. Please know that a threat to justice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. What happened to me today could happen to anyone! It has been happening to Judge Hunter for the past couple of years. What is happening in Cincinnati is a travesty of justice and I had to be arrested to see it for myself.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 01:03:55 +0000

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