Higher Everyday Saturday 18, January 2014 Depraved - TopicsExpress


Higher Everyday Saturday 18, January 2014 Depraved Daughters “Moreover the LORD saith, Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet.” (Isaiah 3:16) Hieronymus Bosch was a 15th century artiste and painter. In his famous painting called The Seven Deadly Sins, he depicted vanity as a glamorous woman admiring herself in front of a mirror held up by the devil. Wantonness is a sign of the old, unregenerate heart. The Lord had a charge against the daughters of Zion. Instead of reflecting the beauty and glory of God, they manifested the carnality and depravity of their hearts. Instead of pointing men to God and heaven, they became instruments of sin and corruption. Are you like them? As a child of God, you must reflect the beauty of Christ. You must not be a vehicle for unrighteousness . Therefore, pay attention to your physical appearance, attitudes, dressing, carriage and even your looks and glances, which today are dictated by movie stars, music artistes and models via the television and internet. It is not sinful to be a pretty girl or a handsome boy. But, your beauty must not be a stumbling block to others. Follow the counsel of the Bible and seek to develop the inner beauty of a meek and quiet spirit. Challenge: Your physical appearance is important. Prayer: O Lord, make me pure within and without. Further Reading: 1Timothy 2:9-11.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 16:15:04 +0000

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