~ Higher education system in Germany ~ Germany is a land of - TopicsExpress


~ Higher education system in Germany ~ Germany is a land of ideas. Education, Science and Research play a central role here.The German education and university system is undergoing a profound process of renewal that is already bearing fruit: Germany is one of the countries most preferred by foreign students, a hub of cutting-edge international research and a constant source of new patents. In Germany, higher education are offered at three types of Higher Education Institutions. - Universities (Universitäten) - These institutions offer the whole range of academic disciplines. In the German tradition, universities focus in particular on basic research so that advanced stages of study have mainly theoretical orientation and research-oriented components. - Universities of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschulen) - These institutions concentrate their study programs in Engineering and other Technical disciplines, Business-related studies, Social work, and Design areas. The common mission of Applied research and development implies a distinct application-oriented focus and professional character of studies, which include integrated and supervised work assignments in industry, enterprises or other relevant institutions. - Universities of Art/Music (Kunst- und Musikhochschulen) - These institutions offer studies for artistic careers in fine arts, performing arts and music; in such fields as Directing, Production, Writing in Theatre, Film, and other Media and in a variety of Design areas, Architecture, Media and Communication. Besides these three main types, which may be either State institutions or Private institutions recognised by the state, some special categories exist, like Church-maintained colleges, Universities of Cooperative education (Berufsakademien), colleges of education or colleges of public administration. In their operations, including the organisation of studies and the designation and award of degrees, all types are subject to higher education legislation.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 09:24:57 +0000

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