Highlights from Chairman Imran Khans Press Conference on - TopicsExpress


Highlights from Chairman Imran Khans Press Conference on eliminating Terrorism from the country! He stressed that this is the National issue and PTI will move forward with unity. Full transcript of the Press Conference on KP security and way forward below: Its difficult but not impossible to win this war What this tragedy has culminated into is a unified stance of the entire nation. The nation must develop a united front. It cant be expected of a single institution to eliminate terrorism on its own.Neither the federal government in its own capacity, nor any provincial government can singlehandedly win this war. Today we will present short term measures needed to curb scourge of terrorism. There is massive pressure on kpk due to being surrounded by porous borders on 3 sides. The biggest IDP fallout is also in KP. On behalf of the kp govt we demand that the federal govt bring FC to role for which it was created; to protect our borders of tribal areas and KPK. This job is beyond the training and capacity of police. To ask police to do normal duties and then border duties too is an impossible task and wrong. We demand the federal govt to reinstate FC in its required role. When we came into govt there were 101 attacks previously collectively in all of Pakistan and 170 in KP alone; this is a terror stricken province. As a father I felt great pain; when I met with the mothers especially. I would feel ashamed if things were in my hand. See my first address in assembly when I stood and spoke we do not accept rigging but we accept the election as terrorism is our number one problem. The 1st meeting I had attended on security in Peshawar, July 2013 we demanded intelligence apparatus and reinstatement of FC in its role of protecting FATA/KP borders. Let me make it clear that police does not have training to deal with this kind of terrorism unless you train special commandos. Out of 23000 FC meant to deal with this only over 100 are available here in Peshawar. We need to control border at Torkham. Whike 500 or so visas issued, unregulated movement of 15,000-20,000 occurs.This border must be controlled effectively. We demand this border be regulated. At this time there are 17 lakh Afghan refugees in KP and 20 lakh IDPs. I strongly demand federal govt to give us funds to facilitate IDPs. They have still not received any extra funds from federal govt. According to estimates our IDPs may not be able to return for a year. We need to facilitate them; set up temporary schools, hospitals. Already a terror stricken province with 70 percent business shutdown we do not have the capacity alone to rehabilitate IDPs. We need to preempt policies so that their young are not recruited by militants. We must help them as they are our people. We also want IDPs integrated into our police system; it will help with vigilance and intelligence. 500, 000 illegal immigrants from Afghanistan need to be sent back. The ones legally here need to be sent back in a planned with help and aid from international agencies like the UN. We can not send then back in truckloads, it needs to be planned. KP govt in desperate need of intelligence. We strongly demand that federal government facilitates this.The intelligence shared before was sent in August and it was about ALL of Pakistan; we need kp specific intelligence. It is a frontline state. Our police needs to be integrated to intercept calls, locate. We have been demanding this since we came into power. We have the money but permission still not granted from federal government. I demand that fededer govt facilitates this immediately. Punjab has intelligence gathering apparatus. We do not. For KP we need to monitor phone sims; people must buy sims in their own names. Buying sims in other names should be criminal offence. When schools open we need to do security evaluation of every school. Internally every school should have a master of security duty. There will be a one press panic system for security responses for any school in Peshawar. One press of the button will alert 7-8 security teams ready to act on any school said to be under threat. IG Nasir Durrani is already working on this system to be implemented when schools reopen. To conclude, to win this war, we need to think about FATAs relationship with Pakistan. Their LB system is great but the FCR, a colonial regulation, needs a full revamp, this needs to be taken seriously. If we reassure them that they can retain this system and become a part of Pakistan, speak to the tribes and integrate into Pakistan, it will be the long term solution to win this war. I have been talking abt terrorism.since 2004. Today we sit here in a difficult position as a nation, there immense pressure in wake of what happened in Peshawar. We need a multi pronged policy, a comprehesive one. This is what happens across the world to deal with multiple faces of terror. I do not want to talk politcs or do blame game right now. However, till now no government has never seriously made an effort to take FATA out of poverty, integrate it with Pakistan. Till we do not have consensus and involvement from tribes we will never be able to achieve peace. At this moment when children have been killed is the time to take people of FATA into our fold and include them in our fight against terrorism.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 08:54:18 +0000

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