Highly alarming: OFarrell government urged to tear up Santos coal - TopicsExpress


Highly alarming: OFarrell government urged to tear up Santos coal seam gas agreement Date March 8, 2014 - 1:25PM Sam McKeith Environmental groups and the state opposition are calling for the OFarrell government to act after energy producer Santos was fined for contaminating a northwest NSW aquifer, reportedly with uranium. The Environment Protection Authority issued a $1500 fine to Santos last month following the pollution incident at the companys Narrabri Gas Field operations in the Pilliga. Fairfax Media reported that the aquifer was contaminated with uranium at levels 20 times higher than safe drinking water guidelines. NSW farmers Ted and Julia Borowski (holding banner) protest against Santos coal seam gas project near the Pilliga State Forest on March 3. NSW farmers Ted and Julia Borowski (holding banner) protest against Santos coal seam gas project near the Pilliga State Forest. Photo: Dean Sewell The contamination is said to have been caused by water leaking from a pond, with lead, aluminium, arsenic, barium, boron, nickel and uranium detected in the aquifer at elevated levels. Advertisement Santos on Saturday said that elevated levels of uranium, arsenic and other naturally occurring minerals at the Bibblewindi site posed no risk to people or the environment. In a statement, Santos said the sites water treatment facilities put in by the previous owner did not meet Santos standards and were shut down in December 2011 shortly after the company took over from Eastern Star Gas (ESG). The company also said it continued to undertake rehabilitation around the Bibblewindi ponds including transferring water to a new facility being built at Leewood with double-lined ponds. However, Labor environment spokesman Luke Foley said the government should tear up an agreement with Santos to fast-track the coal seam gas project. The MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) should be torn up in light of the contamination, Mr Foley said in a statement on Saturday. This contamination of the water aquifer is highly alarming. Greens NSW MP Jeremy Buckingham called the contamination totally unacceptable and urged all coal seam gas projects in NSW to be halted immediately. Here is definitive proof that unconventional gas, such as coal seam gas, pollutes aquifers with extremely toxic elements, he said in a statement. Other aquifers cannot be put at risk of serious pollution. Community alliance Lock the Gate also urged the NSW government to halt CSG projects and investigate the Santos incident. The groups president, Drew Hutton, said the government should stop all CSG exploration immediately, and conduct a far-reaching investigation into how things have gone so horribly wrong. The Wilderness Societys national director, Lyndon Schneiders, said the incident showed no groundwater was safe from coal seam gas operations and questioned why Santos was only fined a paltry $1500 when the maximum penalty was $1 million. Santos has a long, tragic history of failure in the Pilliga forest, he added. The company was fined $52,500 in January for failing to report a spill that saw 10,000 litres of untreated toxic coal seam gas waste released into the forest. Santos also distanced itself from that spill, saying it occurred under the previous management of ESG before Santos acquired the company in November 2011. The state government has been contacted for comment.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 05:13:15 +0000

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