Hilarious Dream I heard a shivery voice afar, I hurtled to - TopicsExpress


Hilarious Dream I heard a shivery voice afar, I hurtled to the direction of that voice with fear really is too far, I saw a man strangled his head with tighten rope fastened, in fact, I hurdled over the tree frantically, and freed the rope from his neck tactically. I discovered that the blood was coming out of every outlet in his head. I was dumfounded for some time, when I regain my conscience I screeched screamingly may be I will see some one to give me hand in order to help him, unfortunately all my exertion is of no avail. When I supposed that the whole place was as hushed as a watercourse settled in the morning, I concocted sorts of leaf may be it will condense the blood, take out the concussion or nurse him back to health. He looked abnormally, startling without normal; I anticipated he wanted to say something but not formal, he asked himself a question like a farmer, I shouted on him to stop and converse with manner. I said, what is your problem? What makes you accept the insinuation that bereavement is the conclusion, or death is the solution? Instead of attempting my question or objecting my allegation, he replied with expression of grief. I insisted tell me what happen perhaps I may have some helps to give, or lend a hand to naïve! He turn my offer scornfully, there I inferred his misfortune unscrupulously, nothing but to remind him of rampage or the adage ever useful to all age, “nothing new under the globe whatever the range” Suddenly, I notice someone’s present, who can that be in this crescent? The sound came closer, I listen with care but I was fear. “Don’t call the rangers, Don’t talk to stranger, Don’t speak to endanger, Strangers are danger” It seems I have been hearkened this particular poem or alike, could it be Olaiya or someone akin him or his Brother Mr. Akin? The man appeared to us from no where; we can’t tell how he mingles here. He rambled to the angle, move toward us like angel, the other man’s suffering disappeared as the man appeared, is like all what happened to him is nothing but conspired. He picks up his wire and staggered like flame of fire, who is this man, are you with him? He asked, this is the time I heard him says something; he cleared his voice as if there is nothing. I answered inquisitively; I would have asked you this question or make an enquiry may be you are with him! None of you know me, he said affirmatively, I am famous but my name is anonymous. Meanwhile, I heard all your dialogue and even while you are soliloquy. I kept silent may be I will lean from you, or derive from the scene like a youth. I am only exaggerating your crust, what is the cause and also escalating the gravity of the chaos how it incurred. Let me tell you I have been in this lonely place since! I interrupted, but you are so daft to be watching a man like you even to the point of comma, mucking with his predicament without coma, in fact, I don’t ever see callous man like you in common. He interpolated in to my allegation, with the tone of dissatisfaction, he looked at both of us as if we are the causative of his devastation and the fervent of his annihilation. I ogled him with full confidence and prepared my self with self defense. He said I wanted to confirm how long, how far would it take to die, seriously I also wanted to die it may be by rope or my tie, but I realize despite his courage to tie the rope he didn’t withstand his hope to die and his audacity to mop up. I ask him to go straight to the point, stop pointing to the fact and brisk like a coin. He objected my word as a fact, rejected my face with his back, avoided my present as a ghost, blinking his eyes one after the other as if something made him angry, startled may be he is hungry, hungry man is an angry man says the adage. I insisted with the other man to tell us his story may be we can deduce from it or reduce our instinct. He said I have been tested severally, with seven tests consecutively; each of it can deafens the hearing, or enlightens the hearer but rather endeared my famous, with famished. When ever I remember nostalgic mood of life I remoulded it with poem, to mull it over with gem; thus Melancholic of life teaches me to reflect Till I have faith to live without effect, Life appraisal accentuate the realm of worthy It may enroll you to become healthy At time live in pauper or wealthy Life, life, is my great tutor and for thy. In fact, I was out of where I was to amend his thesis, or emend his synthesis, he looked at me as if there is no point to correct in his syntax, I appreciated his symphony under duress of pleasure, I asked him to continue with sympathy. With crying he gazing me and asked of my name, I replied, people usually called me witty man I am only hare with this man, now tell us what ensued, to be sure of you if you sue. He said my name was christened as owoni boy, people called me owo blow. I have been doing different kind of job to actualize my name, there is no exemption of work I can not do to realize my aim. Many people believed that I have money, they rebuffed to offer me money because of my name money, and then I am suffering of money. When I discovered the discrepancy in my name, I wanted to be renamed. I always told people to stop calling me that name Owo blow while I can not boosting my pocket or busting of coin. Nobody ready to help me because of my innate, I even kneed to my mate, may be I will get something to eat. No one but Mr. Maker who was a shoe maker, he has trilateral tribal mark, he for ever and a day give me a little, always advices me to manage little not to dismantle. I always submitted my life to him, directed my prayer to him like a gun, already loaded with some gum. One day, he called me my prayer his being accepted, I am a man to be respected, I should now be expected, I don’t know I being suspected, I was very happy as if I am the one who won contract, singing a sung and retract, with different chorus of track, as a scavenger on track; Thank God for answered my prayer, I received a message from shoe maker, That there is a gift for me from maker I always serious like a player, I am now going to another layer, I praise you God for answer my prayer. The arrangement of his poem seems intrinsic, I was totally intrigued, and the sung intrigued the other man and began to dance, forget he was tense like a pastor in Lent, I urged him to continue as a sign of interesting, all the word he uttered sank in to my intestine, he continued with total confidence, and full of assurance and reassurance of his story. Affirmatively, he started giggling like a kid or loaded gig in a phone, suddenly, he frowned his face and turned his phase, he continued, I was on my way to procure my reward; I tried to move forward, as fast as I could to his ward, but it is rather untoward to hear that he was dies without a word. I wailed further than his people, who do I converse with from these people? I came close to his corpse; I saw his face designed with pimples, nothing else in him but his dimples. What do I do to retain, or offer my self to sustain? I shouted, God this to me is a great loss. I returned home discontented, thinking of despondence. On my way home there is an announcement to the general, from another town by king’s general. I was quite engrossed to be in that quest without question like seeker, I registered my name inquisitively, rehearsing intuitively, and people were moving helter-skelter intrusively. He continued his story with value, he said, there will be assured amount to register, is absurd I don’t have a penny, even though I lost my pen, I concluded to borrow money from my friend but no one left for me except to accept my fate. I reckoned there is a man in the town, claims to be a beneficent, his door always open to all beneficial but how should I benefit without collateral, I beckoned my only son to follow me as his sire, either he likes it or not is my desire. I demanded from the philanthropist for #200 with this my son as guarantee, if you can offer me the chance I will return your money tomorrow or next for instance. He gave me the money in return of my son, if you like you may not return it I have your son, and I will make him suffer for your offer, I will never regret my cover. I left my son for the competition, for expectation to win compensation. I beseech God to let this eradicate my poverty, provide some property. Fortunately, I won the competition, they sample me out from the commotion, and it is unfortunate for me to have the compensation. I hugged him tightly in his head, to divulge my interest in the end. The other man was totally engrossed, his eyes blinking like a Ross, he said, let him continue, what happened in that afternoon. I untied my hands from him, to unfold my feelings in him; I have not seen such legendary like him. He paused for a while, looked back as if he lost his purse, I pushed him to tell us the purposed of his pause. Therein he began to formulate another poem sound like a dirge; Try my best to comfort my pain, All my effort but goes in vain, I auction my son for dirty fin, I spend my exertion to have a fame, They twisted my sweat in to flame, All my power wasted like a frame. Both of us chorus the sung at the same time; “all my effort goes in vain, all my power wasted like a frame” I recuperated my virility, stood as man verily; I realized this is an elegy type of poem. I said tell us what transpired in the competition, It seems you have being doomed by the opposition; tell me if there is any contradiction. He objected, a penny for your thought, you mean they deprived me from my sought, which is your diabolical thought. It is not, they are ready to give me the prize, as my right and the price of my thirst. On a contrary I have to wait at the tight corner for the dance of praise. I have to dance with the king’s only daughter, I thought she didn’t have any brother but I don’t need to be bothered, whatever happens is their procedure. I tighten my focus, but I need somebody to enlighten me their protocol. Everything became silent, like some thing bad want to happen, that is too pessimistic, and I don’t need to be suspicious but optimistic. I stood alerted like a solder, as if I want to cross the border. I fixed my hearth vigilant; my mood was totally entreaty like I am in the night vigil. Then what happened, I interpolated not only that I was totally hypnotize but I also need to sympathize. Please tell me you also prevailed in the dance to avail the chance, I predicted as my addiction! He said I know you like to predict, as if he knew me with my diction. Hold on, I said did you know me before but the other man interposed with force, let him continue, did they give you your title or you procure entitlement, he said it succinctly. I don’t want to remember what happened to me that day, he said as if he wanted to die; he sat down like the Down of the Daybreak, his voice vary like the down chorus, what is the problem? I asked, he inserted his finger in to his mouth, he was biting his finger like ginger, I suppose you need water, I only have a little, but latter I gave it to him to reinstate his strength, restore his might. He sobered as if he drank soda water, after the water is being offer, he ought to continued his offer he said; I concealed the pain to enjoy the gain, even if I have to be caned. The music started from no where, she stood like startle, and I staggered closer to make it former just like a drama, I was only hearkened the sound of the drummer, it sound too dimmer. Suddenly, she held my hands, further ever until she folded over her arms around my hip, you will think she is dancing hip-hop. Abruptly, she blared as if she was fired or been fired, she looked at my face as if she was reading, she said I am ready. Ready to do what! I bumbasted her with sort of question, but I remembered I had had such vision, I closed my eyes with emission, I apprehended my mission. Before she could stick with me I found stick, I smash her on head, she yawn to nth degree my head! No one to ask me where am I heading to, I scurried to the bush, they are calling me bloody scurrilous, I faced my way, like a scandalous wayfarer or a scourge. Fortune is with me, I escape from the cage of the king, when I discovered that I was free, no signal of freeze, I stay for a while, but why? I don’t want to loss totally, my son is being confined, and lost is about to be confirmed, I have to do something, to procure my title not to loose totally. I reversed like a motor, on my motorcade, accelerated like auto gear motor; I returned to the locale bare footedly, I reached the place without foot printed, to know what they printed on the gift. Which one should I take first, this is my first chance, and I need to utilize it for instance. I managed to get enough money, gulped some honey, is not funny, I loaded my pocket, encumbered my load, then took a road, I ran like a thief, to me is not a theft, but looking for solution, to attain my ambition. I barge in, to show my happiness, be a sign of kindness, I said thank God, at last you made it, you are able to took it , whatever it is, you will procure your son. The other joined me in this my anxiety to show our apprehension. He eyed both of us like a kid, and said both of you are kidding me. The funniest part of his story is that, he started laughing and coughing. But why, I don’t understand him any more????????? please marry your Dictionary to criticize or appreciate, this is just the beginning.........
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 14:52:09 +0000

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