Hilarious airport moment: Im waiting to board my flight from - TopicsExpress


Hilarious airport moment: Im waiting to board my flight from Frankfurt to Denver and Im typing on my computer when an elderly Chinese man walks up and extends his hand containing an iPhone and cable. He pointed at my phone, which was connected to my computer, and than to his phone. I asked if he wanted to charge the phone, but he didnt understand me. So I just nodded, took his phone, disconnected mine, and plugged his in, which seemed to delight him. He then got his wife and daughter to come sit down in the seats across from me, who smiled and nodded at me, communicating that neither of them spoke English as well. The Chinese man then pulled a Nokia phone and cable out of a suitcase, and in a similar fashion, gestured if he could charge this phone as well. So here I am across from this family Ive had no verbal communication with, with two of their phones plugged into my computer. After sitting in silence for 5-10 minutes, I thought Id try and see if I could at least exchange a few words with them, before simply handing back their phones to go board my plane. So I looked up and asked English?. All three of them shook their heads, and so shrugged and replied oh ok, and went back to my computer screen. They began chatting with each other in Chinese till the daughter looked back at me and hesitantly uttered, español? I was thoroughly surprised, and curiously responded Si, y tu?. It turns out that the family was on their way back to Shanghai, where the daughter worked as a Spanish language teacher and that they had just spent two weeks vacation in Venezuela. Apparently a lot of Chinese in Shanghai learn Spanish instead of English. I continued chatting in my broken Spanish with her for the next 5 minutes, before having to reluctantly say goodbye and hand back their phones....
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 20:08:24 +0000

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