Hillary Clinton represented Monsanto at the Rose law firm; she and - TopicsExpress


Hillary Clinton represented Monsanto at the Rose law firm; she and Donald Rumsfeld served on the Monsanto board together; she introduced Monsanto into the Obama administration. She was in San Diego yesterday as a paid luncheon speaker for the biotech industry convention It was red meat for the biotech base. Hillary Rodham Clinton, in a 65-minute appearance at the BIO International Convention on Wednesday, voiced support for genetically modified organisms and possible federal subsidies to keep U.S. companies from leaving for tax havens abroad. “Maybe there’s a way of getting a representative group of actors at the table” to discuss how the federal government could help biotechs with “insurance against risk,” she said. She said the debate about GMOs might be turned toward the biotech side if the benefits were better explained, noting that the “Frankensteinish” depictions could be fought with more positive spin. A spokeswoman for the BIO conference did not respond to a question of how much Hillary Clinton was being paid for appearing at the luncheon in San Diego. [Updated at 6:10 p.m. June 25, 2014]. @ timesofsandiego/politics/2014/06/25/hillary-clinton-cheers-biotechers-backs-gmos-and-federal-help/ Hillary brought Monsanto Into the Obama FDA-–Obama chose Hillary Clinton to be Secretary of State. We cannot know what deals were struck to make her stop her destructive campaigning long after it was apparent she had lost. But we do know that Mark Penn, CEO for Burson-Marsteller, one of the worlds large PR firms representing Monsanto advised her for years and ran her campaign. And when she showed up again, by Obamas side, suddenly so did a man named Michael Taylor ... also again. MIchael Taylor is a Monsanto lawyer Bill Clinton once put in charge of the FDA where he approved Monsantos rBGH. Hillary was back, and Obama was putting Taylor on his transition team. organicconsumers.org/articles/article_15710.cfm opednews/populum/pagem.php?f=Monsanto-and-Hillary-Clint-by-Linn-Cohen-Cole-090209-290.html This whole mess is beyond sickening. DiaDiane GarzanDanny Cole
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 23:17:12 +0000

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