Hillary Clinton wins the award for the most irrational, ignorant, - TopicsExpress


Hillary Clinton wins the award for the most irrational, ignorant, and asinine comment of the century. And yes, I know its only 2014. Its insane how someone disparages the very economic system from which they have financially benefited. Socialism does not, cannot, and will not ever work. Open, free market capitalism--to the extent that it is free in the USA--built the wealth of this nation, not our central government, which only exists, and is funded, by forcibly taking money from its citizens. Hillary Clinton is a socialist. And socialism is always an inevitable disaster. Government does not and cannot create jobs because it doesnt produce ANYTHING. It does not and cannot create wealth. It doesnt exist without taxation. Its not subject to the financial risks and rewards of creating and running a business. Socialism relies on artificial price controls, heavy taxation, and outright oppression and tyranny. Capitalism relies on marginal utility, opportunity cost, subjective economic value, and FREEDOM! As Ronald Nash wrote: According to Mises (Ludwig Von Mises), socialism can never work because it is an economic system that makes economic calculation impossible. And because economic calculation is impossible, socialism turns out to be an economic system that makes rational economic activity impossible. (Ronald H. Nash, Poverty and Wealth: Why Socialism Doesnt Work, p.82) In other words, government CANNOT create wealth and jobs!!!
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 22:41:56 +0000

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