Hillary Clintons Patients Bill of Rights was deemed a step forward - TopicsExpress


Hillary Clintons Patients Bill of Rights was deemed a step forward in creating deeper bonds between patient, physician and staff. It was assumed to be a mandate that would help patients feel more informed about their health care options and keep everyone on the same page. HIPPA soon followed and a liberal utopia paper relationship was married. Only it created more lawsuits and less patient physician bonds. It led to never ending polices that protect only lawyers & isolated those assumed would benefit from it. Knowing this please dont freak out when you read a patient with Ebola symptoms left isolation in Texas AMA. (Against medical Advice) The Patients Bill of Rights ties our hands in this situation. We can NOT force someone to stay unless they are too physically unstable to function. Dont shoot the messenger. I didnt write this piece of useless document. Ive had to abide by it for almost 20 years. People leave the hospital with fevers and infections every day AMA. This is something I guess our brilliant CDC director DIDNT think of. Maybe the recently appointed NON CLINICAL Ebola Czar Ron Klain will have a contingency plan to safeguard a person right to REFUSE. All his hanging chad/Global Warming involvement should truly help with this little problematic problem. After all, he is a lawyer. Doesnt mater hes a FAILED lawyer. What matters is he will do what lawyers do. Protect the bureaucrats and dismiss the little people. It will surly be Bushes fault if this patient who exercised her right to leave isolation AMA infects everyone around her. Again. I ask you to ask your elected representatives if we truly have a president mentally competent to lead this country another 15 months. theblaze/stories/2014/10/17/texas-hospital-releases-low-risk-patient-reporting-ebola-symptoms-because-person-wanted-to-leave-the-hospital/
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 04:07:16 +0000

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