Hillary in 2016 … Really? As soon as the mid-term elections - TopicsExpress


Hillary in 2016 … Really? As soon as the mid-term elections are in the books the 2016 presidential election cycle will begin. So what will the strategy for either side be to get their guy or gal a shiny new set of keys to the big house in 2016? For republicans, the best thing they can do is to keep Hillary Clinton front and center, morning, noon and night. They need to run weekly, hell even daily polls to show how Hillary is lining up against any and all other democratic challengers. There have already been numerous polls of this nature conducted and democrats seem quite proud of the fact that Hillary beats all other potential candidate by about a 90% margin, including the sitting Vise President! Sure, the elections are a long ways away but for the past year the democratic nomination has already started to look very one dimensional. This does not speak real well in regards to the pool of democratic candidates that might be offered for 2016. And let’s not forget, Hillary herself, the 2008 “sure thing” with 40 plus years in politics at the most senior levels, got her ass handed to her by a relative unknown Jr. Senator with virtually no experience and a blank resume. Democrats have already ordered the marble name plate for Hillary’s desk yet nobody knows for sure if she is even going to throw her name in the hat. What will democrats do if Hillary declines the opportunity to be their supreme leader? The fact of the matter is, Hillary may not even be able to run for the democratic presidential nomination much less the presidency itself and nobody knows this better than she does. Nobody is more concerned about the ongoing Benghazi investigation than she is, not even the president. As the special committee proceeds with its investigation, at some point Hillary will be called to testify. This time it will not be a love fest where democrats on the committee spend their time well-wishing Hillary and apologizing to her for the inconvenience being imposed upon her by their evil republicans counterparts. Hillary will this time have to face real questions and will be demanded to be accountable for her activities before, during and after the attack. Hillary will almost certainly be asked to make available her diary of notes she kept as Secretary of State and if she does not it will likely be subpoenaed out of the white knuckled grip she has around it. Yes, Benghazi will be hanging over her head if she takes a run for the presidency, it will be impossible for her to avoid it as she has managed to do so far, with the aid of democratic partisans who are part of the oversight process. If Hillary manages to survive Benghazi and captures the democratic presidential nomination, she still has a litany of other issues that will haunt her through the process. Her less than stellar tenure as US Secretary of State will be picked apart but of course she can always blame her boss for those failures as she in fact was nothing more than a spokesperson for an undefined and usually misguided foreign policy. She’ll also be drilled on her accomplishments as a US Senator where not a single piece of substantial legislation, with her name on it, ever made it through committee much less was ever passed into law. Hillary’s morals and ethics will be called into question, her motives behind how she handled the Monica Lewinsky affair will be placed front and center and republican will even go as far back to her works as an investigator during the Watergate scandal, where she was fired by her boss for, as he more recently put it, “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.” Of course republicans will ask Hillary if she has had to duck and run from any sniper fire lately, a claim she once made about a visit to Bosnia which video proved to be false. If Hillary Clinton is the best that democrats have to offer then republicans really do need to keep this fact front and center as this will completely discredit any other contender they may face if in the end Hillary and up not running. As for a strategy for democrats to fend off their republican opponents, there really is no need to have one as they have put all of their eggs in one basket already, having all but claimed victor for Queen Hillary!
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 17:31:06 +0000

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