Hillary’s Presidential Campaign Just Got Some Major Bad News It - TopicsExpress


Hillary’s Presidential Campaign Just Got Some Major Bad News It may not yet be game over for Hillary Clinton’s presidential aspirations, but she’s certainly running low on lives. With the 2014 midterm elections behind us and the 114th Congress sworn in, The Wall Street Journal started looking towards the next major political event on the horizon — the 2016 presidential election. So they turned, logically enough, to Iowa, where the first major electoral event of that election — the Iowa caucuses — will take place, to find out what Clinton supporters thought about their chances next year. There was only one teeny, tiny problem with that research plan. They couldn’t find any Clinton supporters in Iowa. According to Daily Surge, Iowans are interested in learning more about Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Jim Webb — really, anybody but the presumed Democrat nominee. “My heart wouldn’t be in it for Hillary to the extent that it might be if it was a different candidate,” Page County Democrats chair Jennifer Herrington told The Journal, Daily Surge reported. “I admire Hillary, she’d be a great president,” she said. “But you know, she isn’t my first choice, I guess.” Don’t feel bad, Jennifer. She’s not mine, either. “There’s always the nagging feeling that her ship may have sailed,” Tom Swartz, head of the Marshall County Democrats, added. See more about Hillary’s problematic campaign in this video from Daily Surge: Game over for team Clinton? Hardly — not with her name recognition, deep pockets, and donor base. But she probably shouldn’t be picking out her victory pantsuit just yet, either. Clinton was the presumed Democrat nominee in 2008, too, before a relatively unknown senator from Chicago proved himself to be the anointed one. It’s too soon to know for sure, but it looks like 2016 could be 2008 all over again for the former first lady.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 14:40:57 +0000

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