Him or Him (3) Chapter 3: It was finally time from my next - TopicsExpress


Him or Him (3) Chapter 3: It was finally time from my next class. As I was about to leave Liam swung his bag over his shoulder and it hit me in the back of the head. Oh my bad he said seeing if I was alright. I just glared at him, making my nostrils flair. Ouch I said, putting the ice pack to my nose. That really did hurt. I think he is walking disaster! With me around anyways. I also had an itch that he is a player. I dont know why, but I just do. I think that is part of the reason that I dont like him and that fact that I have my eye on someone else. I watched him walk out of the room behind these two girls. One girl was named Sarah and the other named Sally. Sarah had beautiful long blonde hair, where as Sally had brown. Them two were the best of friends, you could mistaken them for twins. They wear the same clothes and all the rest. He was saying something to them and they giggled in a flirtatious way. I got up and headed out the door into the hallway, where I saw them again. A sick feeling come to my stomach as I watched them flirt by Sally and Sarahs locker. Ew. Their laugh was annoying. You can hear it from a mile away. Argh! Serious? To make it worse I had to walk pass them and hear the awful sound right in my ear. I took in some deep breaths and tightened my grip on my art book. I took my first step and tired to power walk pass them. That plan didnt quite work as the hallway was packed and I could hardly get through the pack of zoo animals. I moved my around the student body and actually ended up standing next to him. Oh hey Meg. Long time no see he joked. I just rolled my eyes and Sarah and Sally just laughed again. Oh my gosh. How did I get stuck with the giggle monsters and the unflattering disaster that can walk. My plan of escape was to get out of there as soon as possible. Then the bell for the next class when off and the hallway was emptying. I took off as fast as I could to my locker and hurried to my next class, hoping I wasnt late. It was finally lunch time. I walked out to my locker to get my lunch and head to the library to finish my book. I got to my locker and found nothing but my books and money. Great. I would have to go buy lunch in the Cafeteria. I hated that place so much. It was filled with zoo animals from years 8 to 12. I really wish I have gotten my lunch. All I wanted to do was finish reading my book, because I saw this new that Im dying to read. I like to finish off books before I start new ones. I walked down the hallway and across that courtyard that was filled with kissing couples to the cafeteria. I really wish that they didnt do that in the courtyard. One, its gross and two, it just reminds people that theyre single. The only thing I was happy about going to the cafeteria was I got to see him. My heart raced, my palms got sweaty and butterflies filled my stomach and this was just at the thought of him. I dont think I could control myself if I saw him. I got to the cafeteria doors and could hear the noise that the study make from inside. I got out my money and counted it before walking through the big white doors. I had $8 just enough for a sandwich and juice. I walked in to see a sea of students eating, laughing and occasionally growing food. I walked on to the long line to order my lunch. I as patiently waited, I saw my sister Naomi. She was surrounded by her friends and fellow cheerleaders. She was the head cheerleader along with her friend Grace. Then my eyes moved down her table and there he was, Luke Wilson. Luke was one of my sisters close friends. He plays football and is one of the most popular boys in school. We have meet a couple of times, but I dont think he remembers me. Hes quite tall with sky blue eyes and light brown hair. Oh just looking at him made me fall in love with him all over again. What do you think ? Sorry again for any mistakes :$ - Acacia
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 07:07:05 +0000

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